Tuesday, October 25, 2011

top 10 :: christmas ideas i want to try this year

Twas two months before Christmas...

I know, I know... still 60 days... and we still have to push through Halloween and Thanksgiving... yeah, yeah. I can't help it. This cooler weather automatically gets me thinking about cinnamon, Christmas shopping and jingle bells. I apologize in advance to any of you die-hard-no-Christmas-until-after Thanksgiving-people. Any of you out there might want to just skip over this festive post.

Thanks again to Pinterest, here are the top 10 Christmas ideas I want to give a go this year...

1) Evergreen Joy...
I love the country chic look of the white ceramic pots. The best part... this holiday decor could stay out way after Christmas time. {source}

2) Peppermint Oreos...
These look delicious... and beautiful. {source}

3) Christmas Planner...
I really want to put one of these together this year. I kind of tried last year, but it really just resulted in a pile of Christmas magazine clippings. I think this would be so, so helpful with Christmas shopping every year. {source}

4) Jingle Bells...
...tied to cabinet doors! Brilliant! I love how simple and sweet this is. This would also work on the corner of a kitchen chair or the drawer of a nightstand... nothing beats a little bit of unexpected Christmas cheer:) {source}

5) North Pole Cupcakes...
How adorable are these?!? They look super simple too! Just a peppermint stick and a red hot on the top, and presto! You're at the North Pole! {source}

6) Stamped Gifts...
I have always been a huge fan of the brown kraft paper... but I've never really thought about stamping my names directly on the paper! I love this idea! {source}

7) Thumbprint Christmas Tree...
This would be a great project to try with the kiddos. I think this tree would look awesome in a frame by the kitchen sink. This source has tons of great fingerprint ideas... snowmen, reindeer, stockings, carolers, etc... {source}

8) Advent Envelopes...
I love the simplicity of this advent calendar, and there are so many things you could do with this! A note to different family members on different days... a Christmas activity for each day... a piece of scripture to read with the family every night... you get the idea. I am so doing this. {source}

9) Kitchen Chair Decor...
What a pretty way to "tie" in (haha, get it? tie in?) some red & green at your house. Again, super easy. {source}

10) December Daily...
I will definitely be doing this again this year. I've made one the past 2 years (granted, I finish waaaaay into the next year) and I love this project. You can read more about Ali Edward's December Daily project right here. {source}

So... what about you? Anyone else itching for Christmas music and holiday decor? Anyone want to give the December Daily a try this year with me?? It's soooo fun, I promise:)

Linking this up to Oh Amanda.


  1. Love, love, love the tiny Christmas trees in the vases/jugs. Adorable! I also bookmarked the finger paint Christmas cards. If I can get my act together, those would be adorable for the boys to make! Thanks for the great ideas. I'm still in shock that Christmas is only 60 days away! Ack!

  2. Love the very first idea. That's a good decor idea for all year round..just remove the tags for post-Christmas time. ;)

  3. I love Christmas DIY posts. Since we won't have a typical Christmas I will have to live through yours.

  4. I too can. not. wait. for Christmas. Love your ideas, will have to steal a few for sure.

  5. When you make those oreos will you send me some?

  6. those oreos look BOMB! also those pitchers look amazing...so easy to just get ANY pitchers and spray paint them heirloom white...you are so creative.
