Wednesday, October 26, 2011

that one room... you know the one...

I have this one room in my house.

You know the one... It's the room where anything that doesn't have a home goes. It's the room where any unpacked miscellaneous boxes are sent (and stay). It's the room that is missing important furniture pieces. It's the room that has nothing on it's walls yet. It's the room that has delayed any type of home tour on this blog.

It's the guest room. Well, it's supposed to be.

We have beds... ahem, scratch that, we have mattresses... on the floor. We haven't quite got around to purchasing box springs and bed frames yet.

There is also this pile of boxes that has made it's way into this room... it's a big pile of miscellaneous shit that I have no idea what to do with. So... it stays.

But we're making it work. Making lemonade out of lemons if you will. Little Cat seems to like this room just fine. And don't you worry... we're still recruiting visitors to Louisville... we'll have the mattresses all ready for you:)

So, there you have it. Part I of the house tour... more to come eventually, promise.

Linking this up to Picture Me {Im}perfectly over at Capturing Motherhood. Be sure to read her post this week too if you have time... it's a good one and hit me right where I'm at.


  1. That is what my sewing room looks like... except the mattresses are up against the wall!! Oh and the room is smaller and it's full of random belongings!! Although I just need to get mattress storage bags and then clean all the randomness, it isn't high on my to do lol - I still access the sewing machine!!

  2. We have that room. In fact I'm ashamed to say we have 2! One should be the baby's room but I've never achieved cleaning it out. My poor girl just turned a year and doesn't have a room of her own :/

  3. Girl, I know exactly what you are talking about. And now I'm in the midst of trying to clean that room since it will soon be the only spare room in our house and is where hubby gets ready for work in the mornings! I don't know what we'll do if we ever have another child ...

  4. Love it and it looks so cozy! Can't wait to come stay there!

  5. Every room in our house is being used. But the big walk-in closet, home to my dresser, also houses the pantry/storage shelf, extra chairs, the vacuum, laundry racks, camping gear, etc, etc, etc. It holds it all, but organization is a pain!

    On another note, I LOVE what you've done with the mattresses. So bright and cheery and comfy-looking. :)

  6. It's amazing sometimes what color and a pair of nice pillows can do to a room. Looking great!

  7. thanks for linking up and for revealing even the not-so-pretty rooms in your house. xoxo.
