Thursday, October 27, 2011

thankful thursday {link up} & embrace the camera

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below}

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) People that pray for us. This past week my heart has swelled with gratefulness for the friends and family (and even people we don't know) that stop and take time out of their busy day to pray for us. After publishing this post, I have been overwhelmed by the kind words and prayers that have been sent our way. Thank you.

2) Sweet tea. No... REAL sweet tea. None of this "Kentucky sweet tea" business. Real Southern sweet tea... the kind that has more sugar than tea... that's right, the good stuff. I was in Mobile, Alabama this past weekend, and let me tell you... the sweet tea was sweet. I'm convinced that the further south you go, the sweeter the tea gets.

3) My mom... who happens to be celebrating her birthday tomorrow! I am so grateful for my mom... for so many reasons. She is my mentor and encourager... my friend and confidant. This picture is me and mom embracing the camera from our trip in Germany. I love you mama... happy-day-early-birthday!

So, what are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from right sidebar and link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...

And be sure to head over to Emily's blog at The Anderson Crew to join in the Embrace the Camera fun...


  1. isn't prayer awesome...I love to know it's the language we all speak...doesn't matter where we are...what cell phone carrier we have or anything...prayer works and it changes things...
    even our hearts when we need encouragement...

  2. The power of prayer! And I feel you on the sweet tea thing...we live in TX and my husband is from Mississippi. So we LOVE sweet tea :)

  3. The internet IS an amazing thing ~ I love how it can bring so many people together in prayer! Happy b-day to your mom ~ cute pic :)
