Wednesday, February 15, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Snow. It finally snowed a little here in Louisville. I mean, we have had a few flurries here and there... but we finally had a enough to stick on the ground the other day. Still, it was nothing compared to all of the snow we had last year... but it was nice to wake up to this week.

2) OXO containers. Quite possibly one of the best inventions ever. These things are brilliant. I've been doing a little pantry organizing recently and the OXO containers make the whole thing look awesome. Oh... and so do those labels (love). Don't fret... I plan on doing a full pantry organization update next week!

3) An awesome Valentine's Day. I've mentioned before how Valentine's Day is just different for married couples... the expectations are just totally different. But I knew I was going to have an awesome day the moment Lance brought me a breakfast burrito, a giant Dr. Pepper, and a box of chocolate. Best.morning.ever. Then we enjoyed a super low-key evening with wings at our favorite local pub and an uuhhhmaaazing dance party with our community group. We'll be doing a fancy-schmancy dinner date next week with some Valentine's cash that showed up in our mailbox this week;)

I always love reading all of the Thankful Thursday link-ups each week... they encourage me, and sometimes even challenge me. Jamie's blog, over at Living in the Light, is always one that does both... encourages and challenges. I loved the last paragraph in her post... it was a beautiful reminder that our life here on earth is temporary. Always inspiring Jamie, thank you.

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. Sounds like a PERFECT Valentine's Day to me :) So lovely!!!

    SNOW...pretty! May I have some? ;)

    Thanks for the link-up!!


  2. Ooh snow!! It was 33 degrees celsius here today (I'm in Melbourne) and the idea of snow is thrilling to me!! ;)

  3. I could use those cannisters! Thanksfor linking up with me!

  4. wow your pantry is gonna be the talk of the town...can't wait to see it...organization just feels good doesn't it? oh and so does a giant dr. pepper...

  5. I wish I had some of those canisters! I've got limited pantry space and it sucks trying to keep it all organized.

  6. Right now the idea of snow is pretty appealing to me as well, it is 12.30am and 31 degrees, gotta love living in the tropics :)

  7. Julia, aren't you going to build a snowman for us? Hurry, before it melts... we want to see one! Oh and have fun on your fancy-schmancy Valentine dinner date next week!

  8. Your hubby is awesome. Can't wait to hear about your fancy dinner date! :)

    Also: thank you. I'm honored, and God is SO good. :) <3
