Tuesday, February 14, 2012

top 10 :: valentine's day projects

Happy Valentine's Day! All of the red and pink floating around blogland today makes my heart happy. ...everything's all lovey dovey and mushy and junk.

Here are my top 10 Valentine's Day projects that I've been pinning on Pinterest. And seeing how today IS valentine's day and all, most of these will have to wait until next year. But that's okay.

you have my heart
{bird & banner, via anna on pinterest}

paint chip love notes
{via shonda on pinterest}

doily wrapped packages
{a lady's findings, via candy on pinterest}

deck of love
{papervine, via dayna on pinterest}
ps... you can read papervine's guest post for black tag diaries here.

you & me locket
{unbeaujour, via jessica on pinterest}

light of my life
{design sponge, via janell on pinterest}

fabric heart banner
{victorian station, via melissa on pinterest}
ps... just got my very own awesome banner in the mail from lani!!

hanging hearts
{tiny white daisies, via ashlee on pinterest}

red velvet cookies
{bakerella, via kyla on pinterest}

so good together mugs
{wanelo, via jacci on pinterest}

Happy Valentine's Day people!! Hope you get to celebrate with lots of red and pink... and maybe even some glitter if you are super awesome.

Linking this up to Oh Amanda.


  1. Oooh, that light up your life from Design Sponge is AWESOME!

    Thanks for linking up--love your pins! :)


  2. Adorable projects! I may have to pin some so I can use them next year!

  3. Love these projects! Happy Valentine's Day!

  4. Sweet Valentine's Julia! Hope you have a wonderful one with Mr. Lance!

  5. love those mugs and that red velvet cake!! hope you had a wonderful day!!!
