Tuesday, April 3, 2012

color my world challenge {mustard yellow}

Today, my friends, is an exciting day. Today kicks off the first week of the Color My World challenge. What is the "Color My World" challenge, you ask?? Well, a few brilliant bloggers recently decided to host a color challenge, and I am beyond thrilled to have been invited to participate. And if you're feeling snazzy and up for a challenge, you can join in too!

Here's the gist... you pick a color that you want to try to incorporate into your home... preferably a color that you don't already have all over the house. It is a challenge after all. Then, over the next few weeks you actually USE your color in your home... crazy, I know. Every Tuesday I, along with several other amazing bloggers, will be posting their color progress. Here's the schedule if you want to join in...

WEEK 1 {Tuesday 4.3.12}
inspiration... pick your color
WEEK 2 {Tuesday 4.10.12}
decor... use your color in a home decor piece
WEEK 3 {Tuesday 4.17.12}
paint... paint something your color
WEEK 4 {Tuesday 4.24.12}
fabric... use your color in something fabric-related
WEEK 5 {Tuesday 5.1.12}
review... recap & review your color projects

Easy enough, right? So... let's get started... Week 1... inspiration... pick your color.

What's my inspiration, you ask??
Mustard. That's right... mustard yellow. It's everywhere these days... well, everywhere besides my home, that is...

It's making a scene in the fashion world. {source}

It would look amazing on your floor. {source}

It could cheer up any table setting. {source}

It would add a pop of happiness to any sofa. {source}

It could brighten up your boring work days. {source}

It could make every morning feel like sunshine. {source}

It is pretty enough to showcase by itself. {source}

It would cheer up any drab dresser. {source}

So... there you have it... mustard yellow. We will be making it happen over the next few weeks. I already have billions of ideas swirling in my head... the biggest involving a serious paint project:)

Will you be joining in the "Color My World" challenge? Leave a comment if so... I want to be sure to follow your progress!! Be sure to visit the other bloggers participating in the "Color My World" challenge (listed below)... there are some incredibly talented blogs embracing a new color this month!


  1. Loving me some yellow! I added it to my living room last year, and still dig it :) Eager to see what you do!

  2. OOHH! Mustard is one of my all time favorite colors, but weird I don't have any in my house! I am now going to have to sneak some in... after the kelly green for the challenge! I can't wait to see what you do!

  3. Your yellow/mustard is awesome and I think I need some in my wardrobe.

  4. I can't wait to see what you end up doing! I have a couple of mustard colored clothes items, and I think it makes a beautiful accent color in a home!

  5. A gutsy color choice - fun, happy and bold! Looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

  6. You're going to rock mustard yellow's socks, girl! Can't wait to check out how you use it! Thanks for joining the challenge!

  7. What a well done post! Love the collage of mustard! What'd you use to make that? I use photoshop which can make things like that sort of tedious compared to more simple programs. But, I always like them when I see them! Love mustard. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  8. Boy, I wouldn't have ever picked it but I totally love all of your mustard picks! You can even do that pop of color in one of my rooms if you want!

  9. I love your choice. Actually, now that I think of it, I don't know why I've never used yellow in my home. Hmm.

  10. You go girl. Can't wait to see what you do with your color choice.

  11. Great color choice! Can't wait to see what you come up with :)

  12. i love mustard yellow! that bed is gorgeous! i can't wait to see what you do!

  13. Oooh, nice color choice! The rug and the bed frame are really gorgeous! Looking forward to seeing what all these ideas you have are!

  14. You're so right, yellow is everywhere lately - I love it. So glad we are both biting the bullet to incorporate it in our homes as well! Can't wait to see what you do!

  15. You're so right, yellow is everywhere lately - I love it. So glad we are both biting the bullet to incorporate it in our homes as well! Can't wait to see what you do!
