Monday, April 2, 2012

dear march

Dear March,

Thanks for being awesome. It's hard to believe that you bring the first quarter of 2012 to a close. Is it possible that it's already April?!?

March, you kindly brought lots of sunshine with summertime temperatures. You were an entire month without Dr. Pepper (or any soda for that matter). You came with a fun-filled visit from my family. You included birthdays and anniversaries. You introduced us to what basketball season is really like in Kentucky. You were a month of Louisville... no packing and no traveling.

March, you did not disappoint.



  1. Aw, very cute post Julia!!
    Great job with no soda!! You go girl :)
    Sounds like you had a fantastic month! Hope April is even MORE amazing <3

  2. Hope April is just as good to ya :)

  3. Sounds like March was something special.

  4. March flew by! I can't believe it's already April! :)

  5. Sounds like it was a great month for you! Yay for not traveling, for your sake of course! April really snuck up on me!
