Wednesday, May 9, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) IKEA.  Which happens to be where I will be this afternoon!!  That's right... you heard me:)  We have a doctor appointment today in Cincinnati... which happens to be where the closest IKEA is... and I just happen to have the afternoon off... woop! woop! Cannot.wait.  It will be mostly window shopping, but I do however, have my eyes set on an Expedite shelving unit...

2) Candles.  I love how a great smelling candle can simply change the entire feel of a home... whether it's a cinnamon candle around Christmas time... or a pumpkin spice candle in the fall... or my new personal favorite... Blue Hydrangea from Yankee Candle.  It's perfect for those cool spring evenings when you have the windows open... the laundry folded... and a good magazine... sigh, yes... perfect.

3) Birthday presents. Duh... I mean who doesn't like birthday presents??  And I got some pretty cool stuff last week... a few classic books, some clothes, a super cute clutch, some jewelry (including that little black bow bracelet on my wish list), an adorable scarf, a box slap FULL of birthday goodies (more on this tomorrow)... and rumor has it I have a hot air balloon ride in my future... 

I always love reading all of your Thankful Thursday link-ups each week... some make me laugh, some make me nod in agreement, and some just simply warm my heart.  Last week I loved reading Pamela's post from The Songs on the Way... and I will definitely be trying her healthy baked apple recipe soon... you will too after you read it.

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:


  1. I agree, candles can completely change the atmosphere of a room!

  2. I completely agree! That is about a perfect list.

  3. Love this list! Ikea is my favourite ;)

  4. I totally agree about Ikea. It is totally one of my favourite places ever :-) You have an awesome blog BTW, really glad I stopped by. Rhia

  5. Cannot wait for that recipe! It sounds delish! IKEA is amazing, isn't it?! I could go broke in that store, dang it! They have the prettiest, most creative, bold, unique things. I've gotten several photography props there too actually. Love your table centerpiece with the candle. That is very creative and pretty! A candle makes SUCH a difference! That scent sounds amazing and like a beautiful breath of spring!

  6. I'm a TOTAL Ikea tragic! I'm with you 100% on that one. I always go to window shop and end up with a car full of flat packed goodness! Good luck getting out of there without any Swedish goodies!!

  7. Agree with all of these! Especially Ikea. Love me some Ikea...except with kids in tow. They can ruin a lovely window shopping expedition like you would not believe.

    Stumbled across you via kate says stuff. :)

  8. oh man i see an ikea trip in my near future thanks to being reminded of how awesome they are.

    yay hot air balloons! that will be some pretty pics!

  9. I have actually never shopped in Ikea. But they're all anyone in the blog world can talk about for decorating/organizing. They need to put one in Louisville!!!

  10. IKEA?! FUN!! :) Enjoy!
    Hope everything is okay at the DRs though <3
    Bday gifts are surely fun ;) Hope you have a lovely bday...happy belated!! ox
    Oh and yes, candles are the bestttt.
    Thanks for the linkup!!! Have a beautiful day!! ox

  11. I love your thankful list. Ikea, candles, and b-day presents doesn't get much better than that :) I linked up with you this week, thanks for hosting.

  12. I wish we had an Ikea here!!! :(
    I love candles too! They definitely come in handy during a storm when the power goes out too! I love the way the house looks and smells with candles.
    Happy belated born day!

  13. Love this! I wish I had an Ikea closer to me. Thanks for linking up!
