Wednesday, May 9, 2012

work week wardrobe...

I was in the office last week... which for me, translates to real clothes... as in, no sweat pants.  I am lucky enough to work from home most of the time... however, about once a month I get to do the office thing for a few days.  This usually results in calf cramps and blisters... as my legs remember how to walk in high heels again.

This is really the only time I ever do "outfit" pictures... and I just realized I completely skipped my last office visit... I'll have to post those next week maybe... I mean, I'm sure you're just dying to see what I wore to the office last month.  Regardless... here is last week's work week wardrobe:

top: Design History from TJ Maxx
cardigan: Gap
skinny pants: Gap
shoes: Fergalicious from Zappos

top: Gap
pencil skirt: thrifted
belt: Gap
shoes: Earthies from Zappos

top: Forever 21
skirt: Express
necklace: Express
shoes: Fergalicious from Zappos

top: Gap
necklace: Francesca's
jean leggings: Gap
shoes: Payless

I realized three things after seeing all of these photos together... 1) I like shopping at Gap...  2) I wore several of these pieces when I was at the office in January... and 3) I never unplug my curling iron...

So... there you have it... last week's wardrobe.  All photos compliments of my hotel bathroom mirror and trusty iPhone:)  Linking up to The Pleated Poppy this Wednesday!


  1. Since I have zero interest in clothing, it was the curling iron I noticed first!

  2. Wednesday's was my favorite. :)

    And I didn't notice the curling iron till you said something.

    Do you stay in the same hotel every time? The bathrooms look the same every time you do an "office-clothes" photo post. :)

  3. Super cute of course... I've decided that since I live in Louisville.. I need more cardigans. And I love your grey one a lot.

  4. I think you wore some pretty cute clothes to the office! Great looks :) Visiting from the Pleated Poppy.

  5. I love seeing OOTD posts. Keep showing us!
