Thursday, July 26, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) My husband coming home!!!  Lance finally gets home from his Turkey trip tonight and  While my time home alone has been full and eventful, it's never the same when he's not here.  I'm looking forward to hearing about his trip and catching him up on the happenings of Louisville since he's been gone... but mostly I'm just looking forward to living life together again. 

2) My first Christmas in July party!  Last night's Christmas party was a huge success... about 25 women came... which was more than I was expecting... always a happy surprise.  It was the perfect excuse to meet new people while eating gingerbread cookies and strawberry santas.  I had the cinnamon candles burning and the Christmas music blaring... all while it was a hot 105 degrees outside.  It.was.perfect.  Full review coming soon.

3) A few days off.  I'm taking Friday and Monday off work and I am SOOO looking forward to it.  Friday will mainly be spent driving to Georgia, but it will be nice to not have to worry about checking emails and whatnot.  This weekend we have Lance's big family reunion, so it will be fun-filled and people-filled... I'm taking Monday off in hopes that Lance and I can get a little quality time together before he heads back to Louisville and I stay in Atlanta for a week at the office.  Rumor is we might be doing some white water rafting on Monday too...  {photo source}

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

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  1. Yay for your husband getting home! I know I am so happy when mine gets home after a trip. :)

  2. what a great thankful thursday! Love the pictures!

  3. Absence makes the heart grow fonder :)
    And YAY to your Christmas in July party! I really want to host one. One day. Hopefully.

  4. Wait, wait, wait. What's a strawberry Santa?

  5. Oh I bet you are so excited to have your hubby back! And Christmas in July?! Howwwwwww fuuuuuun!!! Can't wait to read the full review :)
    Found you through a thankful thurs. linkup...joined your linkup and also a new follower on GFC :) Adorable blog :)

  6. YAY!! So happy hubs is coming back :)
    Christmas in July party?? HOW FUN!! Can't wait to hear about it!
    WOOHOO days off...enjoy <3

    Happy Thankful Thursday!! As always, thanks for the great linkup! ox

  7. I would love to see you when you're nearby. Maybe I can talk Joshua into letting me meet you for dinner one night...

  8. Glad your party was such a success... not surprised! Take some of that extra Christmas candy to Ga for all your relatives to enjoy! Give Lance a welcome home hug from us too!

  9. What a wonderful way to spend an evening...celebrating Christmas in July! Praying your hubby arrives home safely and that you enjoy your time with him this weekend! Blessings!

  10. Great post! Love that you'll be reunited with your husband. Love the Christmas in July event. That sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for linking up!
