Wednesday, July 25, 2012

what i've been up to...

I've had lots of people ask what I do when Lance is gone for so long??

Do I get bored?  Definitely not.
Do I get scared?  Ehh, maybe sometimes.
Do I miss him?  Holy cow, YES.

This summer has been kind of unusual in the fact that Lance has had two long overseas trips... 2 weeks in Nepal in May for a mission trip... and 2 weeks in Turkey (right now) chaperoning a fellowship trip for some high school students.  I know... tough life, right?

What exactly do I do when he's gone for so long???  Well, I'll show you...

...I travel...

 ...I actually make the bed...

...I plant flowers... 

...I eat ramen noodles... 

...I go to the farmers market...

...I read...

...I watch gossip girl... from the very beginning...

 ...I hang out with the girls...

...I work on my photo album...  

...I work on my photo album... while watching gossip girl...

...I have out of town visitors... 

 ...I go shoe shopping...

...I eat ice cream for dinner... 

...I meet up for coffee...

...I make important decisions...

...I have more out of town visitors...

...I paint my nails...

 ...I go on dates with younger men...

...I watch gossip girl... with Little Cat...

So.  There you have it.  That's what I've been up to while I'm home alone.  No time to be bored or scared.  But I do miss my man... A LOT.  


  1. In every picture of Gossip Girl on your computer, it's accompanied by a glass of white wine. I like how you roll. :)

    Also, Little Cat seems very intent on the show. Impressive!

    And the Christmas in July party is tonight! I can't wait to see pictures (I expect to on Friday!). Have a great time!!

  2. It is great that you keep yourself busy! I have had a lot of idle time this summer too!

  3. I think that an underlying message in the phrase "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is a little admittance of "while I missed you a ton, I also did a lot of fun things and wasn't technically...miserable." ;)

    glad to see you're life's full, and that he'll be on his way home in not too very long, too.

  4. It looks like you definitely enjoy yourself when he is gone ;) :)
    Hope he'll be home soon <3

  5. I like that younger man. I'm glad I have one myself :)

  6. Love all these fun pics! Especially LOVE how your bed looks in those bright colors!

  7. I absolutely love your b edding. Where did you find it?

  8. Not gonna lie, this all sounds pretty flipping ideal. Gossip girl - awesome choice. I stopped watching around the time that (potential spoiler alert, doubtful thought, from season 3) Chuck and Blair broke up. I liked them.

    (safe to continue) Maybe I'll have to pick up Gossip Girl again. I love all the travel and friend seeing you've been doing. And photo albums! And ice cream for dinner :) And that coffee cup is adorable :)

    done now.
