Wednesday, August 1, 2012

dear july

Dear July,

Holy crap.  It's August.  

Is it just me, or is this year absolutely flying by?  And while summer continues to blur right past me... July didn't go by completely unnoticed.

July, you were a full and busy month... with farmer's markets and consignment shopping... with girls nights and girls weekends... with 4th of July parties and Christmas in July parties... with shoe shopping and antique shopping... with Gossip Girl and white wine... with disappointment and hope... with new friends and old friends... with home offers and adoption papers... with road trips and reunions...

And just like that, you push right into August, without ever turning back.

Goodbye July... Hello August.



  1. i can not believe it's already august!!! the holidays are almost here! yay!

  2. My thought exactly...can't believe it's August! I can't wait to see what this month has in store for you! Happy month!! :)

  3. I wish it were still July!! I'm not ready for school to start back!!
