Thursday, August 2, 2012

thankful thursday

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Southern home-cooked food.  And man, did I get my fill of it this past weekend.  At Lance's family reunion pretty much all we do is eat amazing home-cooked food and play crazy games... (but more on that later).  I'm pretty sure I had more fried okra and sweet tea this past weekend than I have all of last year combined... which I am totally okay with.

2) Shaved ice goodness.  Lance and I discovered this amazing dessert spot close to my office in Atlanta... they specialize in shaved ice treats... and it.was.amazing.  Even better than a snow cone, dare I say.  I'm not even sure how to explain it... it's like shaved gellato (I got strawberry) with condensed milk and fresh strawberries on the top... omg... so.flippin.good. 

 3) My short commute to work.  I've been working at the office in Atlanta this past week... and Tuesday I drove my old commute... from Habersham to Gwinnett... 61.5 miles... ONE WAY.  I used to drive that  That's 123 miles a day... usually about 3 hours of my life...   That little reminder makes me oh-so-grateful for my short commute up the stairs every morning.  So, so thankful.

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

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  1. I absolutely love reading your blog. You are such a neat & creative person. We may have met once but I used to work with Lance when he taught at NGA and still keep up with you guys through Bryan.

  2. Shaved ice goodness? Oh goodness. YUM!!!
    Happy Thursday pretty oxox

  3. Oh my! That plate makes me think of dinners at my grandmother's house. There was always so much food!!! I have so many good memories that are tied to her kitchen. And I LOOOOVE me some fried okra.

  4. Well this post made me very hungry... Lol.

    Yay for a shorter commute!!

  5. I think you have definitely picked up Grandma's, Pop's and Aunt Susie's great writing skills! Always love your blogs and thanks for making us smile!

  6. You do have a lot to be thankful for! thanks for hosting. this is my first time here! looking forward to getting to know you better!

  7. o man!! that must have been the most expensive weekly gas bill to drive that far! Double thanks..shorter drive/less $$ to spend! ha! xo, viv
