Wednesday, September 5, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below...}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) Love notes.  Specifically the ones that my husband leaves me on the bathroom mirror:)  This week has been a little crazy and I've been feeling slightly overwhelmed (okay, really overwhelmed)... but this sweet note greeted me first thing yesterday morning and absolutely made my week.  I'm so thankful that I have such a thoughtful husband.

2) Paula Deen.  As in the Paula Deen buffet... aka southern buttery goodness... deep fried lovin'... home of the world's most amazing dessert bar... We went this past weekend and it.was.amazing.  I'm not sure if it was the massive amount of crab legs or the fact that we haven't had good southern food for months now... but either way it was dang good.

3) Transitions.  We have a few major life changes going on right now... new home... renovation planning... adoption paperwork... sigh... you know, the usual.  And truth be told... I've kind of been freaking out lately.  I am trying to remind myself of this post, because at the end of the day... I am thankful for these major life transitions.  God is doing some incredible things right now... I just need to remember to trust that He's got things taken care of...

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

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  1. The world's most amazing dessert bar? Sounds like a place I need to become familiar with! Perfect thing to be thankful for x

  2. Love notes on the mirror...that is so sweet! :)

    I've been wanting to check out the Paula Deen buffet...sounds delicious!

  3. Love the love notes- I am going to show this post to my husband :) All the best with your transitions.

  4. I can't imagine the mountain of paperwork that comes with an adoption. Maybe a reward system? Every time you complete a packet you get dinner @ the buffet. :)

    By the way, we went for Mothers' Day a couple of years ago. My then 1 year old son's meal was free but he ate so much we kinda felt like we should pay them something.

  5. That is such a sweet note from your husband. ^_^

    I hope things get less stressful soon!!

  6. My husband leaves love notes on our bathroom mirror sometimes, too. Makes my day!

  7. What a beautiful blog!! I'm a first time visitor and new follower! Thank you for hosting the hop! ~ Susan

  8. Changes are great when you embrace them - which you are doing!!
    Aww a love note ON the mirror?? That is sooo beautiful :)
    Thank you for linking up to Thankful Thursday with me at First Day of My Life! :) ox

  9. It's my first time to link up with you! :) Hello there, I'm a new follower!
