Monday, November 12, 2012

adoption update :: roadblock #1

If anyone ever tells you that adoption is easy... they are liars.

On Friday we encountered our first major roadblock in the process.  Back in September we had our fingerprints taken and mailed to the FBI for our formal background check.  Well, on Friday we finally received our results.

The first thing we noticed was that mine and Lance's letters looked pretty different from one another...



If both of our FBI background checks came back clear, you would think they would look the same... right?  

We opened Lance's first...
All clear.  Good to know Lance doesn't have any secret arrests that I didn't know about:)

But now that leaves mine...  Why were my results in a big fancy envelope??  Did the FBI know about the time I tried to steal a tube of purple lipstick from the dollar store when I was 8??  Crap, do speeding tickets go against your background check??  dum, dum, dum....

No criminal record... but apparently I'm a really crappy fingerprint taker.  "The quality of characteristics is too low to be used."  Ugh.

Yep, looks like someone gets to take her fingerprints again.

Adoption is hard work people.  The process is long... the paperwork is ridiculous... the cost is high...
but one day... one day... it will all be worth it:)


  1. I'm keeping you in my prayers! One of my good friends had a horrible time with road blocks during the adoption process, but has since been blessed with two adorable babies from two separate adoptions that went flawlessly.

  2. Yes one day. And then you will look back and say that wasn't so bad if this is the result. You will see the hand of God make miracles in your life and you will be left speechless, humbled, and full of gratitude. Our prayers are with you!

  3. Stumbled upon your blog post today. Andy and I are starting the adoption process to, so we can def identify with all that paperwork. We're doing domestic though, so I'm sure you guys have more that we do. Excited for your adoption, we'll be praying for you guys!

    ~Jennifer Brown

  4. What a bummer, maybe the fingerprinting place will do it again for free... after all I think that would be their fault not yours...just sayin'
    However, like Ariane said above, it will all be a distant memory when you are holding those precious babies! Can't wait!

  5. Oh, man! I'm sorry this has happened. I hope it's taken care of soon. I'm sure God has a perfect plan!

  6. Our church just did a 3 week sermon series on adoption. It was AMAZING! I think you and Lance would really enjoy it. They have the videos online to view (we do this if we miss a week) I will warn you I cried almost the entire series.
