Tuesday, November 13, 2012

top 10 :: things i'm looking forward to doing before 2013

Can you believe that next week is Thanksgiving?!?!  THANKSGIVING people!!  I feel like this year has absolutely flown by!  I know people say that all the time... but seriously... where did twenty-twelve go??

And there are still quite a few things I'm looking forward to jamming in the last few weeks of 2012... such as...

1) Closing on our house.

2) Starting renovations.  {image source}

3) Finishing a few really old projects. {image source}

4) Revealing a new photography website and logo.

5) Paying off 2 credit cards.  {image source}

6) Hosting our first Thanksgiving.  {image source}

7) Submitting our dossier adoption paperwork.  {image source}

8) Decorating for Christmas... even just a little bit.  {image source}

9) Organizing and creating a system for our personal photos.  {image source}

10) Wrapping Christmas presents. (and buying them too!)  {image source}

What about you?  Any last minute projects on your 2012 to-do list?  

Linking up with Angie at Many Little Blessings...


  1. I did the project with the bound greeting cards too! Love it! Good luck with all your goals for the end of the year!

  2. Paying off credit cards is the most liberating feeling ever. Congrats!

    I'm looking forward to buying everyone presents too. I'm a bit obsessed with spoiling my loved ones... and the wrapping? I've already been collecting wrapping paper. The fancier the better.

  3. Yay to paying off credit cards! My DH got his Christmas bonus early and we decided to be responsible and use some of it to pay off two of the smaller ones. It is nice to know that the monthly cost of debt will go down, even a bit. Good for you guys!

  4. Sounds like you have a lot to get accomplished! Good luck with all your goals :)

  5. What I wanna know will your Thanksgiving table look like that, because that is AWESOME! Wish we could be there to help with the house and do up Thanksgiving with you guys...
