Wednesday, February 13, 2013

handmade valentine's day

Like I said last week, I'm a big fan of Valentine's day... but I'm also a big fan of handmade.  Combine the two and I'm a super happy camper.  You know what they say... it's from the heart:)

I usually send my nieces a little something for Valentine's day... this typically means a card and some stickers or something like that.  This year I scoured the house to see what I already had on hand.  I found some plain red cards and decided to just stamp a pretty heart on top and emboss it... similar to how I did last year's Christmas gift tags.

Then I used some of my trusty old shipping tags and a few paper scraps to add a little detail to the inside of the card.  It's not much, but I love the little vintage looking valentine paper.  I used a white gel pen to scribble a little note inside and then off they went!

I also wanted to do a little something for the girls in my community group.  I found these adorable little journals at Target the other day... and they were just $3.99 for a pack of 3 journals.

Then I bought these fun bracelets at Urban Outfitters about 2 weeks ago and thought they would be perfect.  Again... always trying to be thrifty... the bracelets were on sale for $5 for a set of 2... not too shabby.  And they are ridiculously cute... some have little hearts on them, and others have little wishbones.  Adorable.

I tied the bracelets to the journals with some fun ribbon and a little bit of raffia and called it a day.  I added a little love note to each gift and included a verse from Jeremiah 31:3... "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness."  Very appropriate for Valentine's Day, don't you think?? :)

That was pretty much the extent of my handmade Valentine's Day.  I gave the journals to my community group girls last night and I think they were a success.  Thoughtful, yet inexpensive.  I bought Lance a Valentine's Day gift yesterday too... just a little something, but I think he will like it:)  What about you?  Do you get crafty for Valentine's Day this year?


  1. I'm going to!! I bought a ceramic mug and paint pens on Monday, and I'm going to write "X number of things I love about you" (I don't know how many yet; it depends on how many things will fit) on it for Joshua. Plus I'm baking him an apple pie, which is where more of my talent lies anyway. :)

  2. And we very much appreciated your gifts. The bracelet made it onto my blog this morning. Love you. Happy Valentine's Day my sweet friend.

  3. Crafty! You are the new Martha Stewart of the young crowd. Maybe one day you will have your own show and magazine like she does!

  4. How do you manage to make making pretty things look so easy. I wanna be like you someday:)

    Cute and thoughtful. Love it!
