Tuesday, February 12, 2013

the lost art of thank you note writing

Once upon a time... long, long ago... people used to handwrite their thank you's with pen and paper.  They even used this little thing called the postal service to send their gratitude across the country.  But now, in the fast-paced world of emails, Facebook, and texting... rarely do pen and paper even cross paths anymore.  It's a shame really.

Don't mishear me... a texted "thank you" is better than no "thank you" at all.  But there is just something about a tangible thank you card that simply cannot be replaced.  Call me old fashioned, but I sure do fancy a good ol' thank you letter:)

There's not much to it.  My mom had me writing thank you notes as a kid, and the basics are still the same...

A simple greeting (dear so-and-so)... 

Thank you for the (fill in the blank).  You are awesome... the bees knees... cooler than the other side of the pillow... whatever... (just say something nice).

(your name here)

See.  Easy as pie.  Address the front of your envelope... if you're feeling crazy, stamp the back... then slap a postage stamp on there and tah-dah!  You're done.  They don't even make you lick the stamps anymore... they're self-adheasive... I know, the world's getting all high-tech, right?

Go ahead... write an old fashioned thank you note... tell someone how grateful you are for them.  You will feel as good sending it, as they will receiving it... promise.


  1. I totally agree! It is becoming a lost art and I'm not doing my part to keep it alive. I have a dear friend who is on top of her thank-you-letter-writing game and she has instilled it in both of her children as well. I suppose it's never too late to try to change my old habits!

  2. Love to write them and love to get them! Julia you have done such a great job of keeping this alive and I thank you! Oops, should I write you a note saying so???

  3. I am so bad at sending notes in general. This really needs to change...especially if I could do it as prettily as you do :)

  4. Totally agree -- such an important tradition!

  5. Cute blog! Found you through newly wed moments.
    Totally agree that thank you notes are never out of style!
    I love it when I get a thank you notes, it makes my day a whole lot better!
    Just followed your blog, and would love it if you checked out mine!



  6. I love handwritten notes and cards just to say hello. Your cards are so cute!

  7. I absolutely love that little "AND" on that envelope. I'm going to have to remember this.

  8. amen! i love sending good old fashioned hand written mail.
