Tuesday, March 5, 2013

change of plans {part III} :: my job

Over the past couple of months Lance and I have been experiencing some pretty significant changes... First we talked about the house.  Then it was our adoption country.  And now, let's talk about changing jobs.  I'll be honest, I've had a hard time with some of these changes over the last few weeks... and I've pretty much come to realize I'm not a huge fan of change... but you can read more about that here.

Anyhow... back to the job stuff.  About 5 months ago or so, Lance and I made the decision that we were committing to Louisville.  We love this city.  We feel like it is home to us in so many ways.  This is the city we have committed to starting our family in (our adoption and homestudy process)... and therefore, in order to fully be here, I want to work here too.

I have been working for a phenomenal company in Atlanta, GA for the past 5+ years... and for the past 2+ years I have been working from Louisville.  I work from my home office the majority of the time, making monthly trips to Atlanta.  And while this set up was pretty rad (I mean, who doesn't love working in their pajamas?!?), the traveling part was getting a bit old.  Not to mention, that when my company agreed to let me work from Louisville, it was under the impression that eventually we would move back to Georgia.  But yeah... that hasn't happened.  My company and I decided it was time for me to start looking for something a little closer to home.

After a few months of the super fun (insert sarcasm here) job search process, I am happy to report that I have been offered a wonderful position at what sounds to be an amazing company.  And while yes, I'll have to actually put on real clothes and commute to a real office... I have to say, I'm really looking forward to it.  I'm excited for the new.

It's crazy to think this is my last week actually at the Atlanta office.  I'll have a few more weeks to transition and train... but for the most part, this chapter is coming to a close.  And while this next chapter is definitely unknown and new to me... I'm pretty stoked about it.

Stay tuned...


  1. Wow! When it is all written down it looks really overwhelming but at the same time very adventurous! Way to land the new job Julia!

  2. Good luck in the new position!

  3. Congrats to you on landing a job. This next chapter sounds very exciting and sounds like things are falling into place...best of luck!

  4. Congrats on the new job! As you move into the world of motherhood, you will be glad that your job allows you to be at home.

  5. Hi Julia,
    we read in your blog that this is your last week at TPE. We are very sad to lose you as co-worker at the Kraiburg TPE family :-(.
    We can understand your decision and we wish you and Lance all the best for your future. Furthermore we will follow your blogspot and looking forward to read all news ;-). Hope we stay in contact!
    All the best from your German colleagues, Teresa, Melanie, Katrin and Alex

  6. Major changes give me major anxiety! This is such an exciting move for you, and I really think you'll love it! I can't wait to hear more about it!
