Saturday, March 2, 2013

embracing march {monthly goals}

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Making over // the website.
As in the photography website.  This is a much needed... and completely overdue... update.  My Black Tag Photography website has been out of commission for a while now, and I keep saying I'm going to fix it... clean it up... update it... blah, blah, blah... yada, yada, yada... Well, enough is enough.  It's time to take action.  I plan on using Squarespace to redesign everything, and I have to admit, I'm pretty stoked about this goal:)

Mailing more // letters.
This is a fun goal for me, no doubt... but who said goals couldn't be fun?  I have been meaning to put pen-to-paper for a while now, and March seems like the perfect time to catch up on my penmanship.  I have a few people in mind that should be seeing envelopes arriving in the coming weeks.  I should get a pen pal... anyone interested?  Hmmm... potential blog idea??

Minimizing all // our paper clutter.
This is a much needed resolution... With all of the adoption paper scattered about and important documents coming in and out of the house (think original birth certificates, marriage licenses, social security cards, etc) I've been realizing that a pile on the floor is not sufficient paper storage.  Not to mention the fact that I keep a ridiculous amount of unnecessary paperwork (old bills, bank statements, etc)... it's time to do some serious purging.

Meditating on // the Psalms.
You might notice that one of my goals every month has been focused more on my inner-self, if you will... my heart and soul.  I am learning that the only way I can even attempt to keep up with all of my other goals, is if I'm being replenished from the inside out.  And for me, God's Word is my best replenisher.  This past month was a tough one... and I need His truth more than ever these days... the Psalms are always so comforting... so raw and honest... full of trials and triumphs... God overcoming again and again.  I want to make time to meditate on a few Psalms this month... probably just 1 or 2 a week.

What about you?  What are you focusing on this month?
In case you're interested... January goals here... February goals here...


  1. Does this mean I should be expecting a letter from you sometime soon??

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I think the best part about focusing on psalms is that you can listen to them in song form :), says the church choir singer.
