Thursday, March 3, 2011

thankful thursday

I am working on getting the above picture to actually be a functioning button... One day... promise. Be sure to head on over to Jamie's blog as well today... as we will soon be joining our Thankful Thursday forces:)

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Menchie's frozen yogurt. This place is AMAZING. Yesterday was my first time... and I must say, I'm hooked. A frozen yogurt bar with awesome flavors that lets you put whatever you can think of on your yogurt?!? Yes, please.
2) Wedding bookings. This week I booked not one... but TWO weddings for the fall of 2011. This is big news for Black Tag Photography. No... really, it is. This makes 5 wedding gigs for 2011. Weddings are so exciting to photograph... all of those mushy-gushy moments. I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of someone's special day... what an honor to be able to capture those memories for a bride and groom.
3) Masterpiece weekend. Tomorrow I am flying directly from Atlanta, GA to Houston, TX to meet up with my mom and sister for a very exciting weekend! We will be traveling to College Station, TX to attend the 2011 Women's Masterpiece Conference. I am doing the photography for the event (which I am completely stoked about), but I am also looking forward to an amazing weekend of worship and teaching.


So... here's how Thankful Thursday works...

:: Write up a little post about what you are thankful for. I always pick 3 things... (but that's just me, and how I started TT on the very first post). You can pick how ever many you want. I mean, I'm not the Thankful Nazi or anything.

:: Remember the simple things. This Thankful Thursday is yours... and you can be thankful for whatever you want... but what I love about doing this every week is that it forces me to really think about the simple pleasures in life... both big and small.

:: Add your awesomeness to the Thankful Thursday linky list below. Please be sure to add your actual Thankful Thursday post... not just a link to your blog home page.

:: Tell your friends. Link back to this blog and invite your other bloggy friends to join in Thankful Thursday. If this works out and you guys want to do this again and again... I will work on getting some type of Thankful Thursday button... promise.

:: Be sure to visit some of the other blogs on the list. Share the love. It's always to encouraging to read what everyone else is thankful for.

:: Be thankful.


  1. that is fabulous!! I didn't realize you were headed to Houston!! (bad friend! ugh, sad face) have a fabulous time at the event and enjoy some time with your family!!!

  2. I'm so sad I didn't know about this conference! I looked it up and it sounds so neat! Enjoy your time with your family and College Station.

  3. Ah! Menchie's. I'm trying my best to get Matt on a Menchie's Monday kick... there's one literally 0.253 seconds from our house. Although all the flavors are delish (thank goodness for paper sample cups!), I can't pry myself away from original tart and raspberrry tart. With granola and strawberries and blackberries oh my!
    I'm going tonight. Dunzo.

    PS: our menchie's is right across from our gym. Ha!

  4. I'm sad you're coming to Houston and I'm not able to see you! :(
    I hope yall have fun! Miss and love you!!

  5. And don't forget not only do you get to hang with your cool mom and sister but you get to watch your Dad playing keyboards with all those famous people at the same time!!

  6. Mmmm fro-yo. I love your photography style... Beautiful!

  7. Thankful Thursday is such a great idea!!

  8. Oh man you got me craving yogurt and I haven't even had my lunch. lol. so glad we linked up together! You are going to be very close to my area this weekend. My brother is actually in college station at a&m. Good luck!

  9. Have you seen this tutorial yet?
    Or maybe you already know how to do this & it's just the "getting around to it" part.
    Which we all understand.

    This is a really epic thankful thursday post!
    A sweet conference, wedding photos, stellar frozen yogurt - life is good. :)

  10. After you figure out how to make that button grabbie, you can give me a blog tutorial. I love how much this "diary" has grown and developed. You're incredibly talented and such a blessing.
