Wednesday, March 2, 2011

true tales of a seminary wife

I am a seminary wife.

My husband is currently a seminary student.

We live among other seminarians... (and their wives). They all seem really smart to me. The other seminary wives seem to have it all together. They look great in their seminary sweaters. They have perfectly clean children (that I'm sure never misbehave). They probably read the Bible start to finish every year. And I'm sure they never say bad words...

I've never read the Bible start to finish.
(and we all know how well my yearly Bible reading plan has been going so far.)

I speed.
(and sometimes yell at the other drivers when I pass them.)

I like dirty martinis.
(and margaritas.)

I cuss when I stub my toe.
(and sometimes even when I don't.)

But I love Jesus.

And thankfully, He was perfect so I don't have to be. Simple as that.

Linking this up to Capturing Motherhood's "picture me imperfectly."


  1. you sound like a fab seminary wife. my priest's wife is the most hilarious person i know, and one of my favorite people to spend time with. we sip wine, go out for sushi, and laugh at sarcastic jokes. she's fantastic, and her welcoming, happy personality makes me feel that much closer to her, and to my priest (who is also an amazing guy, watches south park religiously, offers me a crown and coke when i stop by for dinner, and is absolutely wonderful with my kids). they are also upstanding people, have the cleanest house i have ever seen, always properly dressed, and their arms and hearts are always open to everyone. i'm sure people will be saying wonderful things about you and your husband!! :) :) they probably already do. :)

  2. Fantastic post! I love the little button at the top too.

  3. Very well said. I liked that.

  4. Simple as that is right. Love this post. Thanks for linking up! xoxo.

  5. {aaaaaahhhhhhhh}. that was a breath of fresh air. :)

  6. I could probably add a little "ditto" at the bottom:)
    Just check out my last post And you'll see how things are in our home.
    I love that you're so genuine!

  7. love this post. and appreciated the reference to/reminder of your seminary sweater post, made me laugh out loud today.

    in case you didn't think about it, i'm sure several of those seminary wives are a little envious of your fun, carefree spirit; long, beautiful hair; non-seminary sweaterish and totally hip wardrobe; not to mention your fanatical blog followers! :)

  8. what a great post. i will make sure i wear my over-sized shirt that looks like i am wearing a bikini(coming and going) when we come and visit. you can evangelize me if you really want to show them how great you are. haha

  9. What an awesome post!! I love this, and I'm enjoying your blog!! :)

  10. Where did you get that blog button? Because I'm stealing it too! I cussed a little front of my kids. Now THAT's imperfect.

    Just remember, Jesus didn't hang out with perfect people. They're boring.

  11. Ha! I love it! It doesn't really matter Julia, God told me when you were born that you were a child of His and that you were going to be special, little did I know how special! Thank you God for the two most beautiful daughters in the world I couldn't have asked for more!

  12. I cannot tell you the number of times that Amy and I have had discussions along these lines over our years at seminary (and since). The "seminary bubble" sometimes isn't fun. The important thing is to be who God made you to be and to hold ourselves accountable to His Word and His Will for our lives. There were a LOT of awesome people (students, husbands, wives, professors, etc.) that we met while we were there. However, at the end of the day, God didn't lead Amy and me to seminary to conform us into those other seminary families. He called us to seminary to prepare us for His use and to continue conforming us more into Christlikeness.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that Martin Luther would take you up on the margarita! ;) Awesome post!

  13. amen sista! (well, i guess the correct term is sista-in-law! :)'s a beautiful thing.... love you!

  14. Love this post! I thought it was a requirement for seminary wives to dr ink martinis and cuss? helps us stay connected to the outside world :) So when are you coming to town? We would love to see you guys as well! I made a comment on a previous post asking how far you would travel to take pics anyways- cause I know two darling twinsies who need their picture taken!

  15. Just discovered your blog and I'm kind of a huge fan of this post. I'm going to be a seminary wife in about 5 months, and it's so comforting to know that I won't be the only one in the sem bubble who cusses when I stub my toe (which is often), has superbly scattered Bible-reading habits, likes a cold one at the end of the day, and prefers bikinis to a one piece. And I shall avoid the seminary sweater if at all possible.

  16. I needed a break from a task I've taken on writing about Epistemology (the view that humans might make a mistake) and Fallibilism (the belief that human beings cannot know the mind of God). Julia's writings were just the thing! Her faith is obvious and my faith is multiplied as I read her gentle words. Grandfathers are a little prejudiced, of course. Julia, you were just what the doctor ordered! Blessings. Pop

  17. Love this! I am a Seminary wife as well and feel the same way!

  18. Love your blog! I was doing some research and came across your site. I, too, am a "seminary wife". Nice to see that I'm not the only one who feels they don't fit inside the "seminary box"! I write, now and then, about being a seminary wife on my blog: Although, I'm sure they won't be necessarily as entertaining as yours are! Loved reading about you (even though I don't know you)...the seminary sweater thing is funny...because it's true. haha!
