Monday, September 13, 2010

seminary sweater

Since becoming a "seminary wife" I have recently been feeling some unsaid pressure to transform into the stereo-typical-meet-the-duggards-type woman. Now, let me be clear... this pressure does not come from anyone but myself... but none-the-less, I'm feeling it.

The seminary Lance is attending is by no means some psycho-rule-enforcing-wacko-commune. Far from it. However, it is understood that men and women should dress in a way that is fairly modest and respectful. Lance often wears a t-shirt and jeans to class and if I'm visiting him on campus I will often wear jeans and a cute tank of some sort.

Although... Lately, I've been noticing that I will carry a sweater with me as well.

You know... the Seminary Sweater.

Just in case I all of a sudden realize that the shirt I picked out is too low cut, or fits too well... I am suddenly much more aware of how I am dressed compared to others. It's not that I typically dress immodestly... I just find myself analyzing it a little bit more lately. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. And come fall, it won't matter much at anyways... everyone will be wearing Seminary Sweaters...


Courtney said...

Don't you worry, Julia. You dress perfectly...always super cute.

jenny said...

I understand...the crazy thing is that a lot of female students dress worse than some of the least from what I've seen...

I didn't ever feel a pressure to dress a certain way because I'm on campus so little...but I did feel the pressure to be pushing a stroller pretty quickly!

Garretts said...

this made me chuckle. i can see what you mean. at least it's a good excuse to shop for some cute sweaters??

Lauren said...

I think you should slut it up and test out the non-judgmentalness of Lance's new school ;)

Jessica said...

So, I'm blog stalking (via Jenny) and you're a super cute dresser so don't worry. :)