Tuesday, April 24, 2012

color my world {fabric week}

It's week 4 of the Color My World Challenge... which means it's fabric week people.  I wasn't really sure what to do for fabric week.  I didn't want to do anything too time consuming and sewing was pretty much out of the question... you know, since I don't actually own a sewing machine.

So, initially I bought a mustard yellow pillow at World Market and thought I'd call it a day.  The pillow meets all of the fabric-week-requirements, so I figured, "Hey... mustard yellow pillow... I'm good.  Done."

But then I made the mistake of going to World Market again on Sunday to look for knobs for the new mustard yellow hutch... which I found by the way, and they look great.  I also happened to find this amazingly beautiful hand painted table runner...

It has just the right amounts of mustard yellow... don't you think?  And I love the way it looks with the hutch/dresser I painted last week...

I feel like having the table runner in the dinning room makes it look like the mustard yellow hutch was more intentional.  I love the hand painted details of the runner... and the smokey blue and brown colors are just a perfect mix for the space...

And because you can never leave World Market without looking at everything.... I happened to stumble into the pillow section again too... and I might have just happened to find a friend for my lonely mustard yellow pillow that I purchased previously...

I couldn't pass this one up.  It had the perfect teal and yellow combination in a beautiful stenciled design.  Don't they just look so happy together??

I thought so too.

Be sure to visit again next Tuesday for a full review and my thoughts on mustard yellow.

What about you? Are you participating in the Color My World Challenge?  By the way... next week, we'll be hosting a super huge linky party so you can link up any of the color changes you've been making in your own home.  I can't wait to see what you you guys have been doing.  Click the links below to see my mustard yellow updates from previous weeks...

WEEK 1 {Tuesday 4.3.12}
WEEK 2 {Tuesday 4.10.12}
WEEK 3 {Tuesday 4.17.12}
WEEK 4 {Tuesday 4.24.12}
fabric... use your color in something fabric-related
WEEK 5 {Tuesday 5.1.12}
review... recap & review your color projects

Be sure to visit some of the other bloggers listed below to see what color changes they are making in their own home...


  1. I really love how you have incorporated the mustard yellow. It's really awesome mixed with the blue.

  2. You've done an awesome job with yellow fabric! Love that little last-minute-pillow on your sofa. It goes so well!

  3. i love that runner! it's so pretty! i love the vibe of it. :)

  4. I do like how the solid plays with the pillow behind it. Looks great!

  5. I love the fabric of the runner! Perfect accent to the yellow cabinet!

  6. Score! You had such great luck at World Market! Love the pillows and runner, they fit perfect with your room!

  7. Oh my gosh, can not wait until you come here and get to be my personal assistant in home decorating. Totally love the new yellow accents you have made in your home. Love the table runner and the new pillows!

  8. Gorgeous runner! And loving the mustard yellow-blue combo! x

  9. I love your pillows together, and the runner is perfect! I'm still drooling over the yellow cabinet :)

  10. Great finds! I love that runner!

  11. That runner is gorgeous! I wish I had a World Market near me. I really love all the mustard yellows in your room.

  12. Sunshiney yellow - I love it in your home! The runner IS so pretty - you had to have it!

  13. Great finds, the runner is perfect with the hutch and the pillows look great together too! I'm a bit jealous you live near WM and no that doesn't mean Wal-mart. ;)
