Monday, July 1, 2013

embracing july {monthly goals}

It's so crazy to think that just barely a month ago, sweet baby girl wasn't even on our radar.  In last month's goal post I even talked about "the closer we get to receiving our adoption referral..." 

...but never in a million years did I think that just two days later we would receive that very phone call!!! God's timing is so perfect.  June's goals were created with me and Lance in mind... our little family of two.  But now, July's goals are created with a sweet baby girl in mind... our little family of three:)

mail in // our dossier.
The dossier is the big sha-bang as far as paperwork is concerned.  It's the mac-daddy of adoption papers.  Basically the dossier is a big compilation of a bunch of really important paperwork that gets mailed over to your adoption country... in our case Uganda.  The dossier has to be received in order for any travel dates or court schedules to even be considered.  So obviously, the dossier is a pretty big deal.  We still have a doctor appointment to schedule, a few dozen documents to be notarized, and another round of fingerprints to schedule.  One step at a time... 

make // my lunch.
If I'm honest, I've been making my lunch about once a week... twice if I'm feeling crazy.  I would really love to be on a 3-day-brown-bag schedule.  If I actually go grocery shopping, these lunch days end up being some of my favorite for the week... and I save money... it's a win-win.

maximize // my time.
I've been feeling pretty spread thin lately... between work, adoption stuff, and editing photos, there hasn't been much time for anything else.  And I often wonder how in the world we will get it all done... and I still don't know.  BUT... I do know that the Lord never gives us more than we can handle.  So, in the meantime, I'm taking deep breaths and remembering to trust Him with my time.

memorize // scripture.
I'm not that great at scripture memory.  Okay, okay... I'm terrible at it.  But that's mostly because I don't take the time to memorize it.  This month I want to memorize just one verse.  Just one.  That's it.  Will you join me?  Just one verse... your choice.

What about you?  What are you focusing on this month?
In case you're interested... or super bored at work... here are my previous monthly goals: January, February, March, April, May, and June.


  1. Julia, I LOVE your new blog design!! It's beautiful! Also, I'm SO excited for you guys--so many wonderful things happening in your lives. God is SO good! :)

    By the way, I make our lunch every day--we either eat at home since work is just a mile from home, or I pack it in the morning and take it with us. It's not hard and it's a great way to save money. Tuna or chicken sandwiches take about five minutes to make, and you can include some fresh fruit and veggies. Or you can pack a container of last night's leftovers and heat that up for lunch (if you have access to a microwave). I do both!

    And memorizing Scripture is SUCH a good idea... I should start that. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Good for you Julia Leslie Black! Home made lunches are always yummier! Great news on all the progress made to get this baby girl home. It will be a glorious day when she gets to come home with you and Lance!

  3. I'll memorize with you! and I'll post about it and link up on Thankful Thursday, if not this week, the next. that time thing, you know :)
