Everyone loves snail mail. Sure, emails are great... and a random text from a long lost friend is nice. But nothing beats the feeling of seeing that one little envelope in the mailbox. You know... the one that isn't a bill... or a credit card application... or a random mailer addressed to the "current resident." The one that has actual handwriting on the envelope. The one that boasts an envelope with no clear address window and maybe even a fun color. So without further adu, I introduce to you: PROJECT SNAIL MAIL.
I can't take complete credit for this idea. PROJECT SNAIL MAIL was prompted after reading this post on Kelly's Korner (one of the blogs I recently started stalking).
I want to try to send one piece of snail mail out every week. This snail mail could come in the form of a letter, a fun card, or maybe even a small package... whatever I'm feeling that week. I will probably compose some type of list of all my potential pen pals to help me decide on the lucky recipient for the week.
My list will include the obvious participants (close friends and family), but I also want to think outside the box. Maybe a little note to a childhood friend that I haven't talked to in a while? Or maybe someone from my sunday school class? Or what about a local police officer? Or if you have kids, maybe a letter of thanks to their teacher? Or maybe even a note to the men and women fighting for our country? Or maybe it's just a person that has been on my heart lately, and needs a little bit of encouragement?
I'll keep you posted on my progress, but I would love to hear any ideas you might have or if you want to join me in my quest... my quest for happy mailboxes everywhere!