Drum roll please.... and the dresser is now MUSTARD YELLOW.
That's right folks... this week is "paint week" in the "Color My World" challenge... and I went all out and painted the dresser/hutch in our dining room mustard yellow. Go big, or go home... right?
Here's a little Before/After action for ya...


I love this little functional piece of furniture... it's been a dresser... a china hutch... craft storage... entertainment cabinet... you name it. It's been around for a while too... It used to be my Nana & Pop's... then my parents inherited it... then it came home with Lance and I after we got married. I've been thinking about painting this piece for years now... and apparently I just needed a good blog challenge to finally tackle the project:)
"Paint week" was the one part of this challenge that had me on the fence about mustard yellow. When I committed to doing this challenge, I knew I would paint this piece of furniture... but mustard yellow??? I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that...

But I headed to Lowes and bought me a quart of Valspar Gala Gold paint...

Okay... here goes nothin'...

Yep... no turning back now...

Coat 1. Eeek. What have I done?!?

Coat 4. Okay, okay... it's not so bad...

A little distressing... yes... MUCH BETTER.

After it's all said and done... I LOVE THIS PIECE! Mustard yellow and all. It was a bold move for me... totally out of my comfort zone, but I'm so pleased with the results.
We still need new knobs... and I plan to tackle that soon... but I mean, how can you not smile when you pass by this happy yellow dresser?!?
What about you? Are you participating in the Color My World Challenge? Have you been making any color changes in your home? Here's the "Color My World" schedule if you're interested...
WEEK 1 {Tuesday 4.3.12}
WEEK 2 {Tuesday 4.10.12}
WEEK 3 {Tuesday 4.17.12}
paint... paint something your color
WEEK 4 {Tuesday 4.24.12}
fabric... use your color in something fabric-related
WEEK 5 {Tuesday 5.1.12}
review... recap & review your color projects
Be sure to visit some of the other bloggers listed below to see what color changes they are making in their own home...

Ange @ The Blooming Hydrangea
Anna @ A Newfound Treasure
Carmel @ Our Fifth House
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper
Jadyn @ Dutch.British.Love
Jessamie @ Bird & Branch Redesign
Julia @ Black Tag Diaries
Julia @ Pawley's Island Posh
Kristy @ Hyphen Interiors
Lisa @ Shine Your Light
Lisa @ Trapped in North Jersey
Shaunna @ Perfectly Imperfect
Shelley @ Crazy Wonderful
Suzy @ Saved by Suzy
Tiffany @ Living Savvy
Tiffany @ Worthwhile Domicile
Vashti & Jamie @ Like Me Some...
Oh my that looks so good! I love the color :)
it looks awesome. you did such a good job..never would have thought to paint it that color but it's a great accent piece
Holy COW, lady! It's GORGE! That baby looks SO good in her yellow dress!
It looks great! Yay you for going out of your comfort zone. :)
it looks awesome! so cheery in its new coat!
i love that! it really makes a big difference! i recently colored my pantry door! i'll have to link it up!!
Incredible transformation! I would have been a nervous wreck after that first coat but you stuck it out and did a great job!!
Ahhh!!! It looks insanely awesome! Totally changes the look in there - I LOVE it!
I've always been a fan of mustard yellow, so of course I think it's amazing. I love the distressing too. I'll be interested to see what knobs you add. Great job!
Ok...so I have NO experience with painting furniture, but I'm considering trying a piece. Did you prime it at all? Also, did you try to paint the inside too or just get the outside done. Do you have any strong feelings about regular paint vs spray paint? Would appreciate any advice!
It looks awesome! So pretty and fun. I love the color you chose.
The color is just PERFECT!!! I love the bright pop, but a little distressing! You will love this for a long time!
Wow Julia, you never cease to amaze me! So impressed! So glad we get you and Jenna for four days at our house in May... can't wait!
What a great color for your versatile dresser!!! You are awesome - I love that you went BIG!!
What a great color for your versatile dresser!!! You are awesome - I love that you went BIG!!
Perfect-the color is incredible on that piece! Great job!
that looks fantastic, I really love the color! Is it in the same room with the new rug? If yes I bet it looks awesome.
I love the dresser and the color!
now that was one bold move! i love it!
What a beautiful color choice, so bold yet warm and lovely! This makes me want mustard yellow in my home.....hmmmm.
I adore this color, you did such a great job distressing it! Did you just use sandpaper?
Looks gorgeous! Kudos to you for jumping outside your comfort zone girl!
I LOVE that painted yellow!! It's fabulous and that tone of yellow is so perfect. Not too bright and overwhelming, as yellow can be.
Good job taking a risk with the mustard yellow! It provides such a perfect pop of color. I like the distressing too.
Good job taking a risk with the mustard yellow! It provides such a perfect pop of color. I like the distressing too.
Good job taking a risk with the mustard yellow! It provides such a perfect pop of color. I like the distressing too.
Good job taking a risk with the mustard yellow! It provides such a perfect pop of color. I like the distressing too.
Good job taking a risk with the mustard yellow! It provides such a perfect pop of color. I like the distressing too.
I can't even tell you how much I love this! I think that yellow is a perfect shade, and you distressed it perfectly.
omg! it's beautiful!!!!! so in love with this piece. i never have the guts to follow through with painting furniture like this. you have inspired me girl!! :)
turned out awesome. really makes those fantastic patterned drapes stand out more too!
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