On Friday Lance and I drove to Nashville, TN for a whirlwind weekend. And when I say "whirlwind" what I really mean is... drive down on Friday afternoon then back to Louisville late Saturday night. But it was so, so worth it.

The weekend trip was initially planned all because of a baby shower for these two very special friends. John and Holly are going to make amazing parents and I'm so glad we were able to help celebrate with them this weekend.
The baby shower decor was absolutely beautiful. I loved the pom-poms, and the cake was amazing!!
John is big-time snowboarder, and I'm pretty sure this little baby boy might start snowboarding right out of the womb. No... really.
While the baby shower was our main purpose for the trip to Nashville, there was another very special part planned to this whirlwind... my BFF!!
My childhood bestfriend lives in Franklin, TN with her husband. I was so, so, so excited to get some quality time with her this weekend!!
Lance and I met Christi at her office on Friday. Doesn't she look all business-like:) Her office is beautiful and she has quite the view...
Pretty swanky, huh?
One of the best things about visiting my friend Christi is getting to window shop at all of the amazing boutiques in the sweet town of Franklin. Christi and I jokingly started calling all of the boutiques "torture chambers," since that's exactly what they were. We wanted everything... but couldn't afford anything:)
I mean... just look at all of this eye candy... this boutique was probably one of my favorites... tons of beautiful linens, rugs and wallpaper designs. I was in love with that burlap lamp shade...
...there were gorgeous displays set up everywhere. I loved the impact of all of these pillar candle holders grouped together...
...these vintage wash basins were awesome... I'm hoping I can find some for cheap at my local flea market soon...
...I caught Christi admiring one of her favorite local artist's work. Christi has two of these paintings in her house and they are beautiful. The coolest thing about this artist is that before starting her piece, she writes a prayer for the recipient on the canvas, then paints her artwork directly on top. Very cool, huh?
...I loved these nesting bowls. I immediately texted this photo to my dad since he has recently started doing some woodworking as a hobby. He has been making some beautiful bowls and I thought a nesting set might be a fun project for him...
...one of the first stores we went to was jam-packed with clever decorating ideas. I loved how they used an old door for shelving above clothing racks. I've already shown this picture to Lance, asking if he can replicate:)
...that same boutique also had these amazing light fixtures... sigh... I wanted these so bad. We are trying to figure out how we can replicate these as well:) Do any of you guys do that?? Walk around in stores thinking, "hmmm, how can I make that??"
...my favorite store had the most gorgeous bed linens I had ever seen. The toupees and creams on this bed were my favorite. I love that crocheted blanket on the end of the bed...
...Christi was lusting after this beautiful set... I'm pretty sure she added it to her home decor budget... we stared at it for a good 20 minutes, just oooohing and aahhhing over the textures and pillows... no lie.
...this is the same store... I thought that little burlap "decorate" banner was just adorable, and again, was walking around thinking, "hmmm... I can totally make that." My only purchase for the day came from this store... an awesome set of numbered stamps that I cannot wait to use.
So... there you have it. My weekend (and window shopping) in a nutshell. Told you it was whirlwind... and told you it was fabulous:)