Tuesday, February 25, 2014

i eat gelato like it's my job.

If you follow me on Instagram {@julialblack} then you are well aware of my new obsession... er, I mean, hobby.  

About a month ago I picked up my first container of Talenti gelato at the grocery store... and well... let's just say I've made it my mission to try as many flavors as humanly possible.  I've tried five so far... it would have been six, but Lance polished off the Tahitian Vanilla Bean before I could even find my spoon.  It's hard to pick a favorite so far, but if I absolutely had to, it would be between the Caramel Cookie Crunch and the Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup.  Talento has like a zillion flavors though, so I must press onward...

Yes, I do realize that I choose to write about gelato on my second post back... but for real y'all... this stuff is legit.  Have you tried it?  Favorite flavors?  I'm dying to try the Coffee Chocolate Chip and the Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Oh yeah... I have a blog.

Why hello there.  

It's been a while... months actually.  But you see, recently life has shifted a bit... things look a little different around here.  Instead of blogging I've been...

...traveling to distant lands...

...singing lullabys...

...caressing soft cheeks...

...picking up toys...

...changing (and wearing) poopy diapers...

...playing dress up...

...eating snow...

...playing with Little Cat...

...celebrating birthdays...

...savoring every.single.second...
Time isn't as abundant as it used to be... sleep no longer comes freely... and it's impossible to pull out the laptop without tiny hands begging to jab at the keyboard. 
But I wouldn't trade it for the world. 
While yes, life looks entirely differently around here, I still hope to carve out a little smidgen of time to visit this space every so often.  Blogging has always been a joy for me... a way to capture special moments and memories... an idea book of creative thoughts... a place for raw, challenging vulnerability... and a capsule of real-life stories. 
And man, oh man, do I have stories.  Stories that I desperately hope to start sharing in the coming weeks.  And yes... most of them invlove a ridiculously adorable little girl named Zara:)
Stay tuned...