So, as some of you may have read last
Thursday, my husband was recently growing a small forest on the bottom half of his face. I'm not exactly sure what sparked this sudden passion for the mountain man look, or when his bearded-mission began. I think it was sometime in fall when Lance announced he was swearing off shaving. I tried my best to put on my best smile and sound supportive. See, the thing is... I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about a full-blown beard. As the holidays started approaching, we had several people ask if Lance was playing Jesus this year in our church's Christmas production. We even had someone suggest that he dye his beard white and play Santa. You have to have a pretty awesome beard to get offers like that.
Well, I'm not sure what changed the mountain man's mind... but last Wednesday night, Lance all of a sudden got out the trusty Wahl clippers and started shaving away. It was funny to hear the different remarks after he shaved (especially from his students). Some were really disappointed to see it go (mostly guys) and some expressed their enthusiasim with, "you finally shaved!" (mostly girls).
And while I wasn't terribly sad to see the beard go, I do have to admit, it was starting to grow on me (not literally
growing on me). I could tell Lance was having mixed emotions about parting with his beard, so I thought
this might help...

And I do. I love him with or without beard.
When my husband was in Iraq, he and all his Army buddies decided to have a contest to see who could grow the most bad ass mustache. They aren't allowed to have beards in the military, hence the mustache race. It was awful. They all looked like 80's porn stars. I was just glad this took place on the other side of the world. Lance definitely looks younger without the beard!
Hi Julia, Let's see if they let me post this. Wow, didn't know he shaved his beard. And did you really write all that on your bathroom wall or is that a photography trick?? Pretty good whatever it is!
oh, that's cute. Josh has grown beards several times before and is always sad after he shaves them off. this is probably the longest he has ever had one.
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