I have been full out craving a snow cone for over two weeks now. I would kill for a snow cone stand right now. I simply don't understand why every corner doesn't have a snow cone stand operating in the summer time. It should be a law.
Back in my college days, I spent two summers in Panama City Beach, Florida. Now, they know the rules on snow cone living. They have snow cone stands everywhere... on the beach, in front of Wal-Mart, by the night clubs... everywhere. And they also understand the importance of 'cream' (aka, sweetened & condensed milk) in your snow cones. Cream is key. A snow cone stand is considered a failure if they do not offer cream.

So, friends... tomorrow I set out on a snow cone expedition. I will find a snow cone stand. If you already know of one in the area... please, do tell.
so we have one down the street that is pretty amazingly cheap and awesome -- you just need to come here = )
I own a snowcone stall I live in Berkshire :)
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