Like really love them. Remember when you would get that awesome "school supply" list, and your mom would take you to the store to help you pick out your scissors, glue stick, colored pencils, folders & binders (or if you were really cool, a Trapper Keeper). What about your new backpack and lunch box? Occasionally, I still travel down the school supply aisle... desperately wishing I had some reasonable excuse to buy a 64-pack of crayons.
Now, I realize that I am no longer a student... and really, truly I have no need for a 64-pack of crayons. But... I am about to start working from home. Which means I need school supplies, umm, I mean office supplies, for my new home office:)
Office supplies aren't nearly as exciting as school supplies, but it'll do. Some necessities on my list include: a one-touch stapler, paperclips, a Sharp EL-1801 adding calculator, post-it notes, manila file folders, and printer ink. Told you. Not nearly as exciting as glue sticks and colored pencils.
But... I might find reason to add a few of these items to my list:

You no longer have to worry about the one-touch stapler or the a Sharp EL-1801 adding calculator...done and done. I did happen to order a pack of glue sticks to seal letters...I'll share with you. :) And I will have you know that when I visit you in KY, I would love to color. We can have a little "coloring party"...complete with our own 64-pack of Crayola crayons.
I want to come to the coloring party! I heart school supples, love Kolo anything & remember my Trapper Keeper like it's a long lost family member.
looks like you've found lots of fellow school supply junkies. i dig 'em too, especially crayons. the 64-pack is bliss. we've only ventured to a 24-pack so far with Jack...don't want to overwhelm him yet, but i look forward to the day!
saw the cutest 3-ring binders at target the other day and i paused for a good 3 minutes trying to figure out a good reason to buy them. (3 mins is a long time to pause anywhere other than the toy aisle when i have jack with me!)
don't forget to show us how your home office comes together. praying for you guys as you make the final preparations for your move.
I love school supplies....and Aubree loves them too!
i love this! I am obsessed with school supplies! When walmart had their big school supply sell, I went everyday for a whole week to just look! When I was little, my mom would have to limit how many pen collections I could buy each month! :)
I thought I was the only one that loved them. Good to hear I'm not :)
Well, I am the mother that loved buying those brand new school supplies for Julia and her little sister Jenna....So I say go for the box of 64!
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