Monday, February 28, 2011

because this monday post is way better than the previous one...

I mean seriously... how cute are they? Really?

I figured my earlier Monday post was pretty depressing... all that paperwork stacked all over my desk... so little time, so much to do... you know, blah, blah, blah.

I saw that Allie's Happy Monday photo challenge this week was "children," and I'm always up for any good excuse to post a photo of my adorable twin nieces. So flippin' cute. I know.

monday, monday

I'm visiting my office in Atlanta this week... and my desk looks exactly how I feel. Overloaded. Unsettled. Busy. You know... Monday.

My office has recently undergone some major renovations... which is a good thing. Because, well... let's just be honest... it was plain ugly before. But because they are still finishing some of the renovations, I am not sitting where I will normally be. I feel very displaced. My stuff is everywhere... I can't find my sticky notes (had to steal my co-worker's)... Paperclips? Have no idea... And I finally dug out a highlighter at the bottom of one my boxes. Fun times.

Sigh. Monday, Monday...

Saturday, February 26, 2011

brittany & fred :: engaged!! {session spotlight}

This adorable couple is the main reason why my trip to Mobile, AL was booked in the first place. They contacted me to photograph their wedding in May, but unfortunately I was already booked that weekend... so we settled for a super-fun engagement session instead.

And super-fun it was indeed! Brittany and Fred had me cracking up during our whole session. These two met last summer while doing an internship in Montgomery, AL for a ministry very near and dear to mine and Lance's heart called Common Ground. The love they share for one another is evident and I can't wait to see how the Lord uses them and works through their marriage.

Soooo cute, right?











Aren't they adorable? Which one is your favorite??

{Remember... for every 10 comments they will receive a complimentary 5x7 print}

Thursday, February 24, 2011

thankful thursday

Be sure to check over on Jamie's blog, Family of Four... rumor has it she and I will soon be joining together for Thankful Thursdays!

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Panera Bread. Lately, I have a love/hate relationship with Panera... I love their food... but I hate doing my work there. We have been having some major internet issues, and are still waiting for our new internet equipment... so in the meantime, I am very thankful that I have a Panera Bread around the corner that doesn't mind when I set up my work space in the corner of their restaurant. Thank you Panera.

2) Chick-fil-a sauce. Yum. I mean... seriously, yum. Chick-fil-a is pretty awesome on it's own... but throw in a pack of Chick-fil-a sauce... and I am sold. I can't even describe this stuff, it's so good. Maybe like a mix between honey mustard and sweet aioli sauce? No... that can't be right, because I don't even like honey mustard... Just trust me. It is amazing.

3) Cookie Grams. And you have to say it like Will Farrell does on Elf... "Oooooh, a Christmas Gram? I want one!" (clasp your hands together for extra effect). This has got to be the best invention ever. Delicious cookies... in a box... that show up on your doorstep! Brilliant. And thanks to these two amazing friends, I got mine yesterday!

So... here's how Thankful Thursday works...

:: Write up a little post about what you are thankful for. I always pick 3 things... (but that's just me, and how I started TT on the very first post). You can pick how ever many you want. I mean, I'm not the Thankful Nazi or anything.

:: Remember the simple things. This Thankful Thursday is yours... and you can be thankful for whatever you want... but what I love about doing this every week is that it forces me to really think about the simple pleasures in life... both big and small.

:: Add your awesomeness to the Thankful Thursday linky list below. Please be sure to add your actual Thankful Thursday post... not just a link to your blog home page.

:: Tell your friends. Link back to this blog and invite your other bloggy friends to join in Thankful Thursday. If this works out and you guys want to do this again and again... I will work on getting some type of Thankful Thursday button... promise.

:: Be sure to visit some of the other blogs on the list. Share the love. It's always to encouraging to read what everyone else is thankful for.

:: Be thankful.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

real life... realistically.

Real life.

It's funny how in Blogland, everyone seems to have it all together. We post about clean rooms, finished projects, perfect children, folded laundry, amazing spouses, healthy food... the list could go on. Not that these things are bad... or that we shouldn't share them with the blogosphere... {I mean, because trust me, if I eat healthy, you guys are going to hear about it.}

But lately, I've been wanting to be a little more real.... Wanting to bare a little more of my soul... or at least for now, my dirty laundry...

Typically, I would post this...

But realistically, it looks like this...

Typically, I would post this...

But realistically, it looks like this...

Typically, I would post this...

But realistically, it looks like this...

What about you? What does your real life look like... realistically?

Linking this post up to Capturing Motherhood's "picture me imperfectly" series...

Monday, February 21, 2011

mobile photo session favorites

I spent the past weekend in Mobile, Alabama. It was a dual-purpose trip... 1) I got to love on my adorable twin nieces... and 2) I had 9 photo sessions scheduled. Yes... nine.

It was a fabulous weekend... six family sessions... two engagement sessions... and one newborn session... {aka lots of good time behind the camera}.

I can't even begin to describe how awesome these sessions were... Well, see for yourself...

sweet sticky faces...

deep baby blues...

tender love kisses...

last minute giggles...

cute baby wrinkles...

beautiful young love...

contagious toothy smiles...

little super models...

sweet pitiful tears...

Be looking for session spotlights on each of these within the next couple of weeks!

Friday, February 18, 2011

two peas in a pod

Happy Friday! More to come soon!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

thankful thursday

This Thursday I am thankful for:

1) Chung's egg rolls. These things are AMAZING. I'm typically not a huge fan of egg rolls... especially frozen ones, at that. But these things are the dealio. I was first introduced to them when I visited this friend in Georgia a few weeks ago... and ever since then I have been searching high and low for these egg rolls. So far, I'm a huge fan of the vegetarian and the chicken. You must try.

2) These two cutie-pies.... who happen to be greeting me at the Mobile, AL airport this afternoon! These are my twin nieces... and they are absolutely adorable. I'm in love... seriously.

3) Photo-filled weekend. Not only do I get to see those adorable twin girls... but I also have quite a few mini-photo-sessions booked for this weekend... 10, in fact. Several family sessions, a few engagement sessions, and one newborn session. Be expecting a sneak peek or two this weekend!

So... here's how Thankful Thursday works...

:: Write up a little post about what you are thankful for. I always pick 3 things... (but that's just me, and how I started TT on the very first post). You can pick how ever many you want. I mean, I'm not the Thankful Nazi or anything.

:: Remember the simple things. This Thankful Thursday is yours... and you can be thankful for whatever you want... but what I love about doing this every week is that it forces me to really think about the simple pleasures in life... both big and small.

:: Add your awesomeness to the Thankful Thursday linky list below. Please be sure to add your actual Thankful Thursday post... not just a link to your blog home page.

:: Tell your friends. Link back to this blog and invite your other bloggy friends to join in Thankful Thursday. If this works out and you guys want to do this again and again... I will work on getting some type of Thankful Thursday button... promise.

:: Be sure to visit some of the other blogs on the list. Share the love. It's always to encouraging to read what everyone else is thankful for.

:: Be thankful.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

change of scenery...

My workspace environment has changed a little this past week...

More sunlight streaming in... working directly off the laptop... a free refill station around the corner... business men on sales calls... moms trying to keep their kids under control... and all the breads and baked goods my little heart could ever want.

Panera Bread. Yes... I have turned a local Panera into my very own "home" office this week. I'm still waiting for the employees to offer me free food. Hasn't happened yet.

We have been having major internet issues at our house lately... (hence the change of scenery)... but not to worry... we have changed internet providers and everything should be back to normal in a few days. Until then... me and Panera are getting to be fast friends.

Monday, February 14, 2011

valentine's day for married people...

Valentine's day is different when you are married. It just is.

You're settled in. Expectations change. Things get comfortable. It's that unique state of complacency and contentment in your relationship.

If you are married... your Valentine's Day might have looked a little something like this...

1) You booked your Valentine's date two days before February 14th... just so you wouldn't have to fight the crowds.

2) Your conversation on the way to dinner was about flossing... no, seriously, it was.

3) Your Valentine's gift to him was a pillow... yes... a pillow.

4) His Valentine's gift to you was an iPhone case.

5) You are still madly in love with each other... despite items 1-4.

Which is really a little something like this...

1) You booked your Valentine's date two days before February 14th... just so he could take you to one of Louisville's finest restaurants.

2) Your conversation on the way to dinner was about flossing... and how much you love his smile.

3) Your Valentine's gift to him was a pillow {but a flippin' awesome pillow}... and a really sweet box full of love letters, pictures and mementos that tell the story of your relationship.

4) His Valentine's gift to you was an iPhone case... {a really cute houndstooth one} and a heart-shapped cookie cake... all of which he bought with his hard earned tip money from his new job.

5) You are still madly in love with each other... because of items 1-4.

Marriage... that beautiful mix of complacency and contentment.