Real life.
It's funny how in Blogland, everyone seems to have it all together. We post about clean rooms, finished projects, perfect children, folded laundry, amazing spouses, healthy food... the list could go on. Not that these things are bad... or that we shouldn't share them with the blogosphere...
{I mean, because trust me, if I eat healthy, you guys are going to hear about it.}But lately, I've been wanting to be a little more
real.... Wanting to bare a little more of my soul... or at least for now, my dirty laundry...
Typically, I would post this...

But realistically, it looks like this...

Typically, I would post this...

But realistically, it looks like this...

Typically, I would post this...
But realistically, it looks like this...

What about you? What does your real life look like... realistically?