Tuesday, January 31, 2012

love and strawberries... and such

Today I'm hanging out over at Mackenzie's blog, Friday Night Date Night... you know... just chit-chatting away about boys and love and stuff. If you haven't ever visited Mackenzie's blog, then shame on you... you are seriously missing out. She and her husband are absolutely adorable and are always thinking of the most creative date night ideas. No really... these two love birds are brilliant when it comes to affordable date night ideas.

Well, today Mackenzie invited me over to her blog and asked me to share a mushy-gushy-lovey-dovey story about me and Mr. Lance. Sure... no problem. Yep... so I can be found over here today talking about love and strawberries and such...

Monday, January 30, 2012

weekend in review

My weekend started with an evening flight home... Atlanta to Louisville. It's a short flight... but one I'm always ready to make. I'm always ready to get home and see Lance. Five days feels longer than it sounds... Lance picked me up from the airport and we grabbed a quick bite to eat before heading home.

My new Erin Condren planner was waiting for me at the door. I cannot even begin to describe how awesome this thing is. I'm really hoping this planner will be the motivation I need to accomplish resolution #9... Use a planner (for the whole year). I'll keep you posted.

I had a lovely newborn photo session scheduled on Saturday with sweet little Jovie. I hope to post more photos soon. She was an absolute doll and slept right through most of the session.

Lance went with me to the new Paper Source store that recently opened up nearby (I know... amazing husband).

Sigh... I wanted everything in the entire store. Beautiful papers and stationary galore. We did end up buying a really awesome scratch-off map that allows you to scratch-off all of the countries you've traveled to... totally cool.

Saturday night Lance and I went to see The Descendants. It was good... but way heavier than I expected. Not quite sure what I had in mind... but I was thinking something a little less intense.

Yesterday was pretty low key... church... laundry... afternoon nap... more laundry... spaghetti with friends... preparations for Monday... and the last load of laundry...

No complaints here though. A fabulous weekend at home... always feels good to be home.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

meadows family... plus one. {louisville maternity photographer}

Meet the Meadows family.

Shaelyne and I share a love for photography and crafts. Last year we did our first ever photog-swap... where I took a few pictures of her family and she snapped a few of me and Lance. It was such a brilliant idea that we decided to do it again this year. Except this year the Meadows family is growing:) Baby Jovie Meadows was actually born a few weeks ago and lucky me... I'm on my way to their house for a little newborn shoot right now!!

So I thought today would be a good day to finally show you the fun shots we took this past fall before Baby Jovie arrived. Hope you enjoy!!









Which one is your favorite?? I'll be sure to share the photos from today's newborn shoot soon... promise. I've already heard that little Jovie is a heart-breaker.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

thankful thursday {link up}

{Link up your own Thankful Thursday post below}

This Thursday I am thankful for...

1) The men & women that fight for our country. When I was waiting to board my flight to Atlanta this past Sunday, I had the privilege of witnessing a sweet, sweet reunion. A mom and her 3 boys were allowed to wait at the gate for their soldier to return home from Iraq. The look of excited anticipation on their faces was beyond contagious. Almost anyone that passed by the gate paused in hopes of witnessing the reunion. Once the returning soldier stepped off the plane the entire airport erupted in applause, while his 3 boys ran to tackle him with hugs and kisses. It was such a moving moment. I so often forget about the men and women that fight everyday for my freedom... but this was a beautiful reminder... and I am so, so thankful.

2) Grown up coloring books. For Christmas one of my girlfriends sent me this amazing grown-up coloring book that she put together herself just for me. I love it. Brilliant idea if you ask me. Coloring ranks right up with doing puzzles for me... it's a guilty pleasure. It's therapeutic... and the perfect opportunity for me to use my collection of Stampin' Up markers.

3) This birthday girl. Who just happens to be turning the big 3-0 this weekend!! I am so thankful that I'm able to be in the office this week so we can celebrate:) I've already obnoxiously decorated her desk and we're planning lots of cake and presents for the day! Happy birthday Courtney! I love you baldface!

I always love reading all of the Thankful Thursday link ups every week... I had lots of favorites from last week's link ups... especially enjoyed reading Momma of Dos' list, where she reminded me to be thankful for those "slow days."

What are you thankful for this week? Grab the Thankful Thursday button from the right sidebar and link up your own post below. Be sure to visit the other Thankful Thursday participants and share the love!!

Also linking up with:

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

a nature walk... with my camera

Last Wednesday I spent my lunch break on a little nature walk with a girlfriend of mine. It was fabulous... just what I needed last week. My friend recently got a new camera for Christmas and wanted to get familiar with it. So we set a date to hang out... just the 2 of us... and our cameras. It was so, so great.

I wanted to play with my 60 mm Macro lens, so I set out to take a lot of close-up and detail shots...

I was mainly looking for texture and repeated patterns...

Since it is winter in Louisville, I wasn't expecting to find much color... but I was surprised a couple of times by a few mossy patches and these vibrant berries...

Isn't my friend Shelby just adorable??

I love how having my camera with me forces me to look at things that I would normally pass right by or step on...

I encourage you to take your camera with you on your next walk... I bet you'll be surprised at what you see through the lens...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

top 10 :: advantages of traveling for work...

Initially I thought I would do a top 10 list of things I don't like about traveling for work... because, believe me... I can rattle off that list pretty quick. But the truth is, I work for an amazing company that provides me with a tremendous opportunity to be able to work from home the majority of the time. So, the fact is, I have nothing to complain about, and there are some pretty awesome perks to traveling for work... like...

1) I actually watch the news.
...and listen to it. Only when I'm traveling do I actually watch the morning news... or listen to the radio on my short commute. I mean, heck, I actually watched the Republican debate last night.

2) I eat really, really well.
As in a company steak dinner tonight... woop, woop.

3) I get to see some of my favorite co-workers.
Probably my favorite part of traveling to the office is that I get to see 2 of my favorite girls!

4) I have learned how to pack a suitcase in 30 minutes.
Seriously... I am a packing machine.

5) I actually talk to people during the day.
...instead of my cat. This is pretty exciting for someone that spends the majority of their day working alone.

6) I can shamelessly read my favorite gossip magazine on the airplane.
Usually just People Style Watch... or maybe US Weekly if I'm feeling really scandalous...

7) I have become a master at airport security.
I can go through security with 2 laptops, a giant camera bag, and my ziplock bag of travel-size liquids like nobody's business.

8) I actually read books.
...like full chapters at a time. I just started The Happiness Project on this trip... so far, so good.

9) I know the Atlanta airport like the back of my hand.
I'm pretty sure I could walk from the terminal... to the baggage claim... then to the car rental station... all with my eyes closed.

10) Oh yeah... I get a lot of work done.
I get face-time at the office... with my boss and co-workers... which is always a good thing when you typically work from home.

Linking this up to Oh Amanda.

Monday, January 23, 2012

little cat's holding down the fort...

I'm in Atlanta this week... a full week at the office... doing audit work... fun times, I know.

Even though I am in Atlanta all week, there is still a lot to be done at the house. Lance and I talked and decided it would be best to let Little Cat share in the responsibilities while I'm gone. Since Little Cat's recent promotion, we figured he was up for the job. There is a lot to be done while I'm gone... but I think he'll manage...

...he'll be reviewing a few documents...

...running some budget numbers...

...paying some bills...

...doing a few loads of laundry...

...sending some wires to the bank...

...making a few shipments...

...taking a few water breaks...

It's a tough job... but I think he's up for it....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

double trouble {louisville children's photographer}

Meet Jocelyn and Gabbie.

They might just be the cutest little things in the whole wide world. Well, I guess I am a little partial... since they are my nieces and all. But, I mean, just look at at them... cutest things ever, right?









Cutest things ever, right? Which one is your favorite??