I saw this cute post over at Tales from the Fairy Dust and I thought I would play copy cat. I included a blank one at the bottom, in case anyone else is interested...
Tea or Coffee... I'm not really a huge coffee fan... unless it's coffee ice cream or a Starbucks Caramel Frapachino. But I love hot tea, especially if it has lots of sugar in it.
Matte or Glossy... I'm thinking photos here, and I usually prefer glossy.
Sweet or Salty... Sweet, duh.
TV or Radio... While, yes, I have a few favorite TV shows... I love me some Pandora radio. And anyone that has a long commute can appreciate a good morning radio program.
Morning or Evening... Evening, no doubt. I am NOT a morning person. I can still sleep in like a champ.
Pencil or Pen... Like Tales from the Fairy Dust, I too, love a good ballpoint pen. But for whatever reason, I prefer a pencil, especially if I'm jotting something down in my planner. I always use pencil in my planner.
Introvert or Extrovert... This one could go either way depending on the day... but I genuinely love some really good "me" time. I am perfectly okay sitting at home by myself on a Friday night, and sometimes I prefer it that way.
Mountain or Beach... Beach, for sure. And I could really use a beach trip about now... really.
Spontaneous or Structured... Some people may call it OCD, but I prefer the word "structured." There's nothing wrong with a little bit of organization, right?
Neat or Messy... I mean, seriously, what "structured" person isn't going to answer "neat" on this one.
Town or Country... Back in the day, I probably would have answered "town" on this one, but after falling in love with the 'Sham, I think I'm a country girl now.
Eat In or Take Out... I don't cook. Like ever. So we are a take out kind of family. I'm hoping this will change one day when we have children, but not making any promises.
Your turn...