1) Photography-girl-talks. Last night I spent 2 hours at my friend Shaelyne's house (you remember her... the one that took these photos) so we could talk shop. We shared photography secrets, swapped books, and laughed about small-apartment living. It has been so great to get to know Shaelyne over the past few months, and I look forward to several more photog-info-swap nights.

2) Kettle Corn Popcorn. Sometime I get on these really weird kicks where I will eat the same thing every night for weeks. It used to be cereal (Cocoa Krispies to be exact). Now it is Kettle Corn Popcorn. So good. Love that salty/sweet combo.

3) Weekend trip to Gatlinburg, TN. Tomorrow after work, Lance and I are heading out the door and making the drive to Gatlinburg, TN. We are celebrating a good friend's 30th birthday and sharing a house with 20 other people. No lie. I'm quite certain I will have stories when we return.
Kettle Corn is my favorite! I can't buy it often though, or I'll eat the whole box in half a day.
Love me some kettle corn--it's the only popcorn I'll eat. We're planning a Gatlinburg trip, too, if we don't lose the rest of our Winter "break" due to Winter Weather!
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