Yes... that's right... I am the bird whisperer. I have a special gift. No, really... I do.
Last week... Wednesday to be exact... I saw this little guy just sitting still on my back patio. I walked right past him and he didn't flinch. I stuck my camera all in his face (you know, for the blog) and he still didn't budge. Then I became concerned. What was wrong with my little birdie friend? Was he injured? Sick? Thirsty? Well, because I am the bird whisperer... I made it my mission to assist my new found bird friend.

I collected by special-bird-whispering-supplies... which consisted of bread, water and yellow kitchen gloves. I grabbed the yellow kitchen gloves in hopes that they would protect me somehow from that very intimidating beak. I mean... did you see that thing? He could bite my finger off. Good thing I'm the bird whisperer.
So, I crouched down next to Mr. Birdie and tried to examine him a little. I couldn't see any apparent damage, but I thought maybe his little wing was injured since it was sticking out? Well, I put on my trusty-yellow-bird-whisperer-gloves and carefully reached out to touch the little guy. I figured he would get feisty with me and try to peck a hole in my hand... or at least chirp at me... nothing. He just tilted his little head to the side and looked at me.
This little guy let me pet him! I'm serious. With my trusty yellow gloves on, Mr. Birdie let me put his wing back in place and pet his back a few times. My bird-whispering-skills told me that something was terribly wrong with this little birdie. So, I went inside to contemplate how I was going to tell Little Cat about his new half brother Mr. Birdie...
I came back outside to discuss our new arrangements with my bird friend, only to see him pick up and fly away like no big deal. He flew over to a nearby tree and started pecking away! Yep... Mr. Birdie was a Woodpecker.... and apparently a healthy one. I still have no idea what prompted him to chill on my patio for an hour? Did he have a cramp in his wing? Was he committing bird suicide and hoping Little Cat would find him first? Or did he just hear about my awesome bird-whispering-skills?
We may never know. Maybe I should just stick to being the cat whisperer...
{Check back later today for my very first giveaway!!}
HAHAHAAA you're a funny girl. glad the bird is ok!! hhaaa
Very Funny indeed!!
Classic. :)
seriously julia we are meant to be friends. i can't tell you how many times something like this has happened to me with birds, squirrels, turtles, etc. in my {incredibly professional :)} opinion and experience, i find that this usually happens when an animal has been injured...maybe he flew in to something or had a bad landing. they go in to shock for a bit and stay still and then bam. they recover and resume normal activities. remind me to tell you about the bird of prey that i did this with...a ginormous red tail hawk i believe. talk about pecking your face off...but i do have to warn you that the story does not end well... :(
Love, love, love your writing. You captivate your audience within the first few words....I love your humor and your idea development. You are very special and have many gifts...and on this day, without a doubt, you "were" a bird whisperer.
You're so funny. I am headed headed over to put your NEW BUTTON on my blog! I love it!
"I love animals too. Especially birds" Hahahaha!
whaaat?! haha That's awesome! You've got some serious skills...
How cool!
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