This week's Top 2 Tuesday is things you collect...
1) Cards. Okay... so this one might boarder on hoarding rather than collecting... but I can't help it. I'm not quite sure what it is, but I have the hardest time throwing cards away... birthday cards, thank you cards, christmas cards, just because cards, even wedding invitations... I know... I might have a problem. Just last night I was talking to a girlfriend about this... we are thinking of starting a Card-Savers-Annonamous group. Anyone else have this problem? I think I might have a solution for my card hoarding, ahem, I mean collecting, more on that later though.
2) Stamps. Not like postage stamps... (although when I was little I did go through a postage stamp phase) but like rubber stamps. This is one of those things that I am really good at buying... but not really using. I just adore the way they look in my antique letter press drawer (compliments to my mother-in-law for the hand-me-down). And just in case that's not enough stamps for you, I have a wire basket overflowing with more. I know... it's boarder-line obsession.

Head on over to Taylor's blog at The Undomestic Momma to link up your own top 2 collections.
I am THE Worst at saving cards. Unless they are from my kids or husband, I think they get thrown away:( Love all of those stamps!
You are not alone with your card saving problem. I have tried really hard to throw away cards as I get them (except from my boyfriend). It really is difficult.
I also keep all the cards that I recieve!
I keep everything. Maybe we should start a Kentucky hoarders club!
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Should we be friends? I think so... I couldn't throw away a card if my life depended on it. And the stamps? I'd probably be addicted to those too if I could figure out the correct ink displacement!
I have half a room just for stamps - you are in good company. The cards you can re-use for gift tags and to cut out parts to create you own new cards (with those stamps!).
I wouldn't consider keeping cards hoarding at all! (Have you ever seen that show...omgoodness). But me (and my boyfriend) are definitely card keeps! I have kept just about every card ever (even ones from exes- eek)! And I love all of them!
Julia, had no idea you saved cards. I have always been embarrassed about saving cards and have managed to throw some away after about a year. But, now I save all of yours,Jenna's and John's and put them all on the big bulletin board out in the garage to look at any time I want...
I'm a total card hoarder too! I can't wait to hear what you are going to do with all of yours so I can copy! haha! LOVE your stamp collection!
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