Friday, July 5, 2013

she is the bomb.

Meet my sister.

Aka, the machine... aka, the boss... aka, paperwork nazi... aka, my superhero... aka, rockstar... aka, list master... aka, bad ass... aka, the bomb...

Or you can call her Jenna:)

I seriously don't know what I would do without her.  Last weekend she made an emergency trip to Louisville, just to make sure I kept my sanity.  I was feeling a little (okay, a lot) overwhelmed by our adoption to-do list.  I honestly had no idea how we would get everything done amidst the chaos that is real life.

So... in comes Jenna.

She seriously has a special gifting.  She flew in super late Friday night and stayed until Tuesday afternoon.  What she was able to do in 4 days would have taken me 4 weeks.

In 4 days... she completely took over my Etsy shop... finished posting all of my jewelry... took me to get my fingerprints done (again)... helped us fill out 2 loan applications... filled out 1 grant application... found us a primary care doctor... booked our doctor appointments... sent emails on my behalf... prepped any Etsy orders that came in... updated my blog... ordered adoption announcements... helped prepare dossier paperwork... the list could seriously go on and on.

She is the bomb.


I love you Jenna-benna... thank you for ALL you do.  PS... don't forget your cape.


Lindsey Brackett said...

Sisters know how to get it done. Maybe I should toss April and Amy in the car and make an emergency Louisville road trip? :)

mleslie43 said...

Love this post and love you girls! Don't short yourself you are just as amazing as she is. You both have different and wonderful strengths! So glad you all got so much done. Now let's bring that baby girl home!

Jenna said...

ha. love you too! PS I wore my cape all day yesterday....

Anonymous said...

Everybody needs a person like that in their lives. That's awesome that yours is your sister. Yay for productivity.