Tuesday, April 27, 2010

top 5 :: things that annoy me

5) Laughing Imposters: (noun) someone who forces a loud, false chuckle or cackle. This is often done solely to fool the people around them into thinking they are having a good time.

4) The Singing Salute: (verb) to express a greeting or salutation by a change in pitch. The singing salute is often performed by a very chipper, morning person.

3) Word Repeaters: (noun) one that relates or recites the same word or phrase multiple times. The offender will recite the phrase a minimum of three times. (example: "right... right... right...")

2) Line Gappers: (noun) someone that pauses too generously before moving up in the queue. Line gappers are typically found in post office lines and grocery store lines, but some offenders have been reported in drive-through lines as well.

and finally... the number one thing that annoys me...

1) VIP Bluetoothers: (noun) one that uses a hands-free device to inflate their ego. Typically the VIP Bluetoother discusses a very important business deal, at a high volume, in order to announce their prestige. Offenders are most frequently found pacing the lobby of a restaurant or at the gate of an airport.


Garretts said...

uh-oh...you might want to stay away from jack for a while he is a repeat offender of a few of these! :) In the last couple of weeks he has taken to producing this fake belly laugh whenever he thinks he has done or said something funny. Being a little boy, he has also become quite imused with repeating the word 'poo poo' over and over again! lol!

I hate VIP bluetoothers too and their relatives who insist on closing a big deal over the phone regardless of whether they have a bluetooth on!

Stacie Jean said...

LMAO. I love the nicknames...my personal favorites are #5 & #1.

April said...

i think i'm married to a word repeater. "i'm sorry" is his choice phrase! i think lance would agree with me. :)

Courtney said...
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John Leslie, Jr. said...

Julia.....Helllllloooooooooooooooo!!!! (ala Seinfeld). Does this qualify me for entry into the #4 hall of fame????