Monday, September 23, 2013

dear baby girl {letters from the heart}

Dear Baby Girl,

We're getting closer!  Rumor is we could be making our first trip to Uganda as early as October!!!  That's so close!  We are still waiting to receive our confirmed court date, but we are desperately praying that the October timeframe is true.  The waiting is definitely getting harder and harder.  We are so ready to see your sweet face.

Your tiny little self has undergone quite a few transitions over the past several months.  You've changed caregivers 3 times now... Knowing this absolutely kills me.  It's not that I don't believe you are being cared for well... From what I can tell, you are very loved by everyone that meets you.  It's just that I desperately want to be on a plane with you on my lap bringing you home.  I want to be your caregiver.  Me.  Your mama.

Then I'm reminded that you've already had the best Caregiver imaginable.  The One that never leaves you.  The One that never leaves me.  And that is a good reminder baby girl.

Your daddy and I will be there soon... promise.




Claire's Momma said...

Spending you my love & praying for sweet little one to be in your arms so soon! Xo
PS HOW EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Claire's Momma said...

Oops sending ;)

mleslie43 said...

Hurry home sweet girl, hurry home! We can't wait to meet, cuddle and spoil you!
Love, MiMi and PaPa

Flossie said...

Daily, I remind myself that I will never love or care for my kids as much as He will. Sounds like you have a great outlook. Love your Dear Baby Girl posts! Can't wait to see her!

Ryan said...

These letters make me tear up every single time. Praying that you guys get your date SOON! :)