Wednesday, September 11, 2013

he & she {adoption edition}

he is putting together the crib and dresser for baby girl's room.

she is picking out paint colors and fabric swatches for baby girl's room.

they are anxious to actually have baby girl in baby girl's room:)

he is preparing to be out-numbered in his own house.

she is buying shoes in 2 different sizes now:)

he is updating and managing the coffee fundraising.

she is creating and posting jewelry for the Etsy fundraising.

they continue to be amazed by the generous love and support that has come in from family and friends.

he knows the notarizing guy by name.

she knows the fingerprinting girl by name.

they are no stranger to documentation and paperwork.

he is following up with our agency regarding our court date.

she is following up with our loan applications regarding loans and grants.

they are desperately awaiting their travel dates.

he shows his daughter's picture to everyone he meets.

she can't wait to kiss her baby girl's cheeks.

they are ready.


Lindsey Brackett said...

I'm so ready for you!!! Look for a post soon on how we should all buy coffee to bring baby girl home!

Unknown said...

SO excited for you guys. You've been building up the anticipation for all of us!

And personally, I'm really ready to see a picture of baby girl and find out her name!! :)

Nicole H. said...

Oh how familar that all sounds!!! Almost two years since our adoption and we are had to do some paperwork to get the boys US birth certificates. Yes, we've procrastinated. Just been loving on my boys since they came home.

Word of EVERYTHING you need/want to do now b/c when she gets here you won't do anything but LOVE her for quite a while. You two are going to be fabulous parents!

mleslie43 said...

Oh that is such great advice from Nicole! I love this post Julia and obviously none of us can WAIT!!!